[試題] 103上 林太家 偏微分方程式一 Test4

作者: t0444564 (艾利歐)   2015-01-13 13:06:14
試題 :
             Final Examination            1/13/2015
1. 20 pts
 Assume F(0) = 0, u is a continuous integral solution of the conservation law
            u_t + F(u)_x = 0 in |R ×(0,∞)
                  u = g on |R ×{t=0}.
 and u has compact support in |R ×[0,∞]. Prove
             ∞       ∞
            ∫ u(‧,t)dx = ∫ gdx
            -∞      -∞
 for all t > 0.
2. 20 pts
 Let u be a solution of
      1        a(x,y) u_x + b(x,y) u_y = -u
 of class C in closed unit disk Ω in the xy-plane. Let a(x,y)x + b(x,y)y > 0
 on the boundary of Ω. Prove that u vanishes identically.
3. 20 pts
 Which of the following statements is (are) true?
 (A) Burger's equation has no regularity theorem,
 (B) Wave equation has regularity theorem,
 (C) Poisson equation has no regularity theorem.
 Find and justify your answer.
4. 20 pts
 Let u be the solution of the following initial value problem of heat equation
               u_t = Δu for x∈Ω, t > 0,
                u = 0  on x∈∂Ω, t > 0,
       n         u = δ_0 at t = 0,
 where Ω⊆|R is a bounded smooth domain with 0 ∈Ω and δ_0 is the standard
 Dirac measure concentrating at the origin. Let G be the standard heat kernel
 on |R^n ×(0,∞). Define w = u - G. Which of the following statements is
 (are) true?
 (A) sup |w(x,t)| < ∞,
 (B) sup |w(x,t)| = ∞,
 (C) w is smooth on Ω ×(0,∞)m
 (D) There exists x0 ∈Ω such that |w(x,t)|→∞ as (x,t)→(x0,t).
 Find and justify your answer.
5. 20 pts                n                _+
 Let B+ denote the open half-ball {x∈|R : |x|<1, xn > 0}. Assume u ∈C(B) is
 harmonic in B+ with u = 0 on ∂B+∩{xn = 0}. Set v(x) = u(x) for
 x = (x1,x2,...,xn)∈B, xn ≧ 0, and v(x) = - u(x1,...,x(n-1),-xn) for
 x = (x1,...,xn)∈B, xn < 0. Here B = {x∈|R^n : |x|<1}.
 Which of the following statements is (are) true?
 (A) v is smooth in B,       1
 (B) v is only continuous but not of C,
 (C) v is only C1 but not of C2.
 Find and justify your answer.

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