[試題] 102上 古慧雯 個體經濟學一 期末考

作者: NTUkobe (台大科比)   2015-01-17 20:34:05
試題 :
個體經濟學期中考 (2014.1) 古慧雯
1. The domestic supply (S) and demand (D) functions for cars are shown in the
following figure, where p_0 denotes the international price of an auto, and
Taiwan could import any number of cars at P_0.
(a) (2 points) Please replicate the figure on your answer sheet and show
consumers- surplus and producers' surplus at equilibrium.
(b) (6 points) Suppose a tariff of t is imposed on each imported car so
that the sale price of a foreign car in Taiwan becomes p_0 + t which
magnitude is shown in the figure. In a new figure: please show the
total tariff collected, and the deadweight loss. And explain why such
deadweight loss results.
2. Good Y is provided by a competitive industry There are 91 people who could
produce Y and among them, 10 people have the type-1 total cost function:
TC_1(q) = 100 + q^2,
where q denotes the quantity a manufacture produces in one year. Another
900 people have the type-2 total cost function:
TC_2(q) = 144 + q^2.
Let p denote the market price. The yearly market demand is:
Q = 100 - p
(a) (4 points) What is the long-run equilibrium price? And how many
manufacturers will stay in this industry in the, long run?
(b) Suppose that the demand for Y increases and becomes:
Q = 300 - p.
i. (2 points) If the market is in the long-run equilibrium before the
demand increases, what is the short-run market equilibrium price
for Y after the demand increases?
ii. (2 points) How many manufacturers will provide Y in the long-run
3. A's production possibility curve is:
x^2 + y^2 = 288,
and B's production possibility curve is:
x + y = 12.
They have the same utility function:
u = xy^2.
(a) (2 points) If B has no chance to trade and could consume only his own
produced goods, how many units of y will B produce?
(b) We now turn to consider the possibility of trading between A and B. Let
p denote the relative of x. So if p = 1, one could sell 1 unit of T in
exchange for 1 unit of y.
i. (4 points) If p = 1, what is A's optimal decision? How many units
of x will A produce? And how many units of x will A consume?
ii. (2 points) Is it possible that p = 1 in equilibrium? If so, how
many units of y does B produce in this equilibrium?
4. (3 points) Consider Spence's model. There are 3 types of job applicants
whose contributions to a firm and costs to obtain a diploma are as follows:
│ A B C
contribution to a firm │$70 60 50
cost to obtain a diploma│ 0 8 20
Each type has the same number of people. Please find all equilibrium.
(Specify an employer's offer. and for each type of job applicants, specify
their decisions about whether to obtain a diploma.)
5. (3 points) There are 4 typos of used cars in the market: A, B, C and D. The
proportion of each type is: 10% (A), 40% (B). 40% (C) and 10% (D). The value
of each type to its current owner is lower than the value to its potential
│ A B C D
value to the seller│ $0 10 20 30
value to the buyer │ 0 20 30 50
While the seller knows the type of his car, the buyer cannot tell the type
of a car and is willing to pay for its expected value to her. Because there
are many more buyers than sellers, when a deal is made, the interested
buyers will bid up the price to their willingness to pay. Please find the
equilibrium price of the used car.
6. (1 point) Give one new example of a foreign company which promotes sharing
economy. (No point for Airbnb and Kickstarter)

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