試題 :
Introduction to Phonetics Fall 2015 November 18, 2015
Test on Ladefoged/Johnson's A Course in Phonetics, Chapter Two
I. Short answer questions: give short and precise answers to the following
items. ﹉﹉﹉ ﹉﹉﹉﹉
1. (a) What is a citation form? (6%)
(b) What is the danger of learning only citation forms when learning a new
language? (8%)
2. (a) Explain what a phoneme is. (8%)
(b) Explain what an allophone is, and give an example of a phoneme and two
of its allophones. Describe the circumstances that condition each
3. Give and example of a minimal set containing three items, including both
spelling and IPA forms. (6%)
4. What is a broad transcription, and for what purposes is it best suited?
5. What is a narrow transcription, and for what purposes is it most useful?
6. Why is a phonemic transcription of English quite different from regular
English spelling? (8%)
7. Give two examples of RP diphthongs not found in US English, and an example
word for each. (10%)
8. What is a "schwa," what is its place of articulation, and where does it
typically occur in an English word or sentence? (8%)
9. Why do many speakers in the Western and other parts of the US and Canada
not need to use the symbol [ɔ]? (6%)
10. a. Where in a word does the phoneme /<eng>/ not occur in English? (4%)
11. What is the phonetic symbol for the "tap", and where in a word doe it tend
to occur in American English? (10%)
II. Dictation (100%)