[試題] 105-2 馮怡蓁 進階語音學 期中考

作者: rogerliu84 (丁丁是個人才)   2017-05-21 23:51:26
課程性質︰研究所選修 (M字頭課程)
考試時限(分鐘):180分鐘 (含操作題)
試題 :
NOTE: There are four sections in this exam. Please read through the sections
before you start. That way, you can plan ahead how you are going to allot your
time. Please note that Section 2 has to be completed before you can move on to
Section 3. You have in total three hours to complete the whole exam.
Total points: 253 pts
SECTION 1: Short essays (148 pts)
1. From the perspective of a speech chain, why is linguistics an
inter-displinary science? (8 pts)
2. (68 pts) Chloe decides to record the following words in order to study
Mandarin affricates. 回教 知難行易 野雞車 七零八落
(1) Do you think these stimuli are okay for the purpose of the study?
Why or why not? (9 pts)
(2) If Chloe wants to record the sounds using a standard sampling rate in
linguistics, how could she avoid aliasing problems? Please be specific.
(9 pts)
(3) Chloe is thinking of recording 蘇老師 and 美玲助教 for her study.
Do you think this is appropriate? Why or why not? (8 pts)
(4) Chloe wants to be extra-careful to avoid clipping, so she sets the
recording level at exactly 25% of the total scale. What would the
resulting SNR be if the bit-depth was set at 12? (5 pts)
(5) The average F0 of 蘇老師 is 272 Hz. What is her wavelength? (4 pts)
What is her 3rd harmonic? (3 pts) Can you predict her 3rd formant from
F0? Why or why not? (5 pts)
(6) Using the sampling rate in (2), what is the window size for spectral
analyses if the window contains 2205 samples? (5 pts) Is this suitable
for speech? Why or why not? (5 pts)
(7) Chloe wishes to also look at pitch. This autocorrelation setting is
shown in the following figure. Would this setting give her correct
results? Why or why not? (10 pts)
[Figure: 類似 <<AAP>> Figure 3.12, p. 67]
(8) Below is a Praat window showing one of the tokens. Do you think there is
pitch mistracking? If so, please point out hte location and explain why.
(5 pts) [圖略]
3. (12 pts) Chad is enjoying a Mozart symphony performed by the New York
Philharmonic. Please answer the following question.
(1) Being a music lover, Chad can definitely tell that the clarinet and the
oboe are playing the same pitch, but they still sound different. Why do
you think that is so? (6 pts)
(2) How do his ears analyze the signal? (6 pts)
4. (45 pts) Thomas devised a synthesizer. It produced three sine waves of
different periods. The first repeats itself 20 times in 25 ms, the second
repeats itself ten times in 20 ms, and the third repeats itself 325 times
in 0.5 s. The peak amplitude ration of the three waves is 2:3:20. Please
answer the following questions.
(1) What are the frequencies of the three waves? (9 pts)
(2) When the three waves are added, what lag time would produce the highest
correlation using auto-correlation pitch tracking method (assuming no
error occurs)? (6 pts)
(3) If we run FFT on the wave in (2), what would the resulting spectrum be?
Please draw. (6 pts)
(4) If a lowpass filter of 700 Hz is added to the wave in (2), does it have
any effect on the sound wave and sound quality? (9 pts)
(5) How much louder is the third wave compared to the first wave in dB?
(5 pts) What is the RMS ratio of the three waves? (5 pts)
(6) If a fourth wave component, which repeats itself 105 times in 0.5 s, is
added, how does that change the periodicity of the resulting wave?
(5 pts)
5. Below is figures showing the relationship between physical properties of
sound and auditory percept. How does this relationship affect speech
communication? (5 pts) [Hz-mel 關係圖略]
6. (10 pts) There is construction going on outside Linda's appartment. The
noise is so loud that it is very hard to hear people talk.
(1) Linda's friend Betsy told her to raise her voice so that she could be
heard more cpearly. However, her neighbor, the Johnson's, suggested that
she should try to talk at her normal voice, otherwise, she would lose
her voice very soon. What would you recommend based on what you learn in
phonetics? (5 pts)
(2) Linda finds it harder to hear clearly her preverbal toddler Sammy's
babbling sounds than her husband's words. Why is this so? (5 pts)
SECTION 2: Recording (30 pts)
Please go to RM 203 and record yourself saying the following words on the DAT
recorder. You have to revert everything to its original setup before you leave.
天氣 香檳 人口 過敏
SECTION 3: Praat (25 pts)
Please use Praat to label the words you recorded in Section 2 and turn in the
labeled file on the desktop. You have to name your labeled tier as "words". The
filename should be in the following format: midterm-[your name]. You have to
revert everything to its original setting when you are done.
SECTION 4: Experimental design (50 pts)
Joel would like to know whether Mandarin monolinguals can tell the difference
between tones that are pronounced by Mandarin-Min bilinguals and those produced
by Mandarin monolinguals. Please design an experiment to test this. You have to
specify your subjects (10 pts), stimuli (25 pts), and method of recording
(15 pts), and justify your choices.

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