[試題] 105-2 林惠雯 代數二 第二次小考

作者: Mathmaster (^_^)   2017-06-25 15:31:38
試題 :
1.(10 pts) True of false. Determine whether the following ten statements (a1)-
(a5) and (b1)-(b5) concerning the ring of Gaussian integers Z[√(-1)] and
the polynomial ring Z[x,y] of two variables x, y over Z are true. Write a
"T" for each true statement, and write an "F" for each false statement. You
don't have to explain your answers.
(a1) Z[√(-1)] is a PID. │(b1) Z[x,y] is a PID.

(a2) Z[√(-1)] is a UFD. │(b2) Z[x,y] is a UFD.

(a3) Z[√(-1)] is a Noetherian ring.│(b3) Z[x,y] is a Noetherian ring.

(a4) Z[√(-1)] is an Artinian ring. │(b4) Z[x,y] is an Artinian ring.

(a5) Z[√(-1)] is a Dedekind domain.│(b5) Z[x,y] is a Dedekind domain.
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2.(15 pts) Find a Grbner basis for the ideal 〈x +2xy , xy+2y -1〉 of the
polynomial ring C[x,y] with respect to the lexicgraphic ordering x>y.
Justify your answer.
3.(10 pts) Suppose R and S are integral domains such that R ⊆ S, and such that
S/R is an integral extension. Prove that S is a field ⇔ R is a field.
4.(15 pts) Consider the following three affine algebraic sets cver C:
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V := {(x,y) ∈ A :y -x = 0 };
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W := {(x,y) ∈ A :2y -3x = 0 };
X := A
Prove that V and W are isomorphic as affine algebraic sets, but V and X are
not isomorphic as affine algebraic sets. (Hint: You may consider their affine
coordinate rings C[V] = C[x,y]/I(V) etc.)

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