我目前也在申請 Google 的 summer intern (2017) 北美
兩週前進了 team match 的階段,但是到現在一直沒有消息
HR 告知只有六週的時間,算著算著也過一半了
所以想請問有沒有版友有認識的 manger、組內有 headcount,可以幫忙推薦一下的呢
這裡也附上我的 background
Resume: http://cwchang.me/doc/resume.pdf
M.S.: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
(Master of Computational Data Science, Analytics track)
- Python / Ruby / Go / JavaScript / C/C++
- Machine Learning / Data Science
- Web development (backend & frontend)
[Work Experience]
- Co-founder, Yoctol Info (Web, DevOps, Infrastructure)
- Fullstack web developer intern, Codementor
- Backend web developer, iCook
[Open Source]
- 2014 Google Summer of Code with Ruby on Rails
- 2015 Google Summer of Code with GitHub (Linguist project)
- LinearGo (Golang wrapper for LIBLINEAR)
GitHub: https://github.com/lazywei
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bertchang
如果有版友能大大協助,請站內信或是 email: cwchang AT cs.cmu.edu