allergy (我到底在幹麻...)
2022-04-21 17:59:04第一次嘗試發這種翻譯文,還請見諒
As the saying goes: We’re not mad, just disappointed.
Last week the Victoria 3 dev team was alerted that streams of an
in-development build of the game shared with a small group of testers was
being broadcast within a small online community. As these things go, this
footage quickly ended up in public. As hype grew around the leaked video so
did demands for more, and before long links to download a cracked version of
the leaked build started getting shared around.
上週,Vic 3開發團隊被告知,一小群測試人員將開發中的遊戲在一個小社群裡直播。
We understand you’re excited about the game - we are too, and we're
anxious to share it with you properly! But there's a reason why we haven't yet
launched Victoria 3 in open beta, Early Access, or similar. Yes, the game is
technically in a playable state, but its current lack of balance and level of
polish obscures many aspects of the mechanics and how they interrelate. Some
interfaces are tedious or just not fun to engage with yet. It lacks a lot of
crucial AI work, contains game-breaking bugs, and has only the most rudimentary
tutorial and player guidance. Especially in an interconnected game like
Victoria, just a single deficiency like that can have a negative domino effect
on the whole experience of playing the game.