dingoo (de novo)
2025-01-29 20:45:28accloade選好後不能改
primary跟secondary attribute就固定了
然後要求是baron以下或courtier count級以上不能當
我一開始隨便選的primary/secondary attribute就不是很優
後繼者好像沒有的話可以用招的讓系統自動產生合格的 不過prowess就不能保證了
Glory gain
Accolades can gain Glory if:
Their army is victorious. (+30 Glory for each battle present)
They win against other knights.
They attend activities. (Confirmed: Grand tournaments, Grand Weddings, Grand
Tour, Hunting) [Activities that do NOT provide glory: Funeral
Their liege wins a war against a ruler with higher title rank.
Accolades lose Glory upon succession of the Accolade. This happens if the
Acclaimed Knight:
leaves your court.
Typically, if both primary and secondary accolade attribute are met by the
successor, then approximately 390 glory is lost on succession. If only the
primary accolade attribute is met by the successor, then approximately 540
glory is lost on succession.
後繼者如果不符合第二屬性 一次掉540glory.......超狠的
目前看到比較實用又好找人的accolade primary attribute有
名子 primary attribute trait
besieger Mangonels innovation+其中之一Logistician/Military Engineer
Blademaster Legendary Blademaster
Disciplinarian Diligent / Stubborn / Temperate/ Organizer / Overseer
Huntsmaster hunter No Vegetarians Tradition
Manupilulator At least one of these:15 Intrigue/ Schemer
Marauder Callous/ Sadistic/ Vengeful
Mentor At least one of these: 15 Learning/ Whole of Body
Tactician 15 Martial Strategist
Valiant Brave/ Reckless/ Berserker
其他還有retinue accolade
Archer Forest Fighter or Hastiluder with 20 in Bow
Outrider(輕騎) Open Terrain Expert or Hastiluder with 20 in Horse
Pike Captain Rough Terrain Expert or Hastiluder with 20 in Foot
Skirmisher(輕步) Jungle Stalker, Winter Soldier, Hastiluder with 20 bow/foot
Vanguard(重步) Athletic, Strong, Hale, Robust, Herculean or
Hastiluder with 20 Trait Experience in foot
+ At least one of these:
Yes Quilted Armor innovation
Yes Any innovation or tradition that gives special heavy infantry Men-at-Arms
Lancer(重騎) Aggressive Attacker or Hastiluder with 20 in Horse
At least one of these:
Yes Arched Saddle innovation
Yes Valets innovation
Yes Audacious Cadets tradition
Yes Caucasian Wolves tradition
Yes Eastern Roman Legacy tradition
Yes Imperial Tagmata tradition
Camelier(駱駝) Desert Warrior or Hastiluder with 20 in Horse
Yes War Camels innovation
Crossbow Captain Cautious Leader or Hastiluder with 20 in Bow
At least one of these:
Yes Advanced Bowmaking innovation
Yes Chu-ko-nu innovation
Elephant Rider Jungle Stalker or Hastiluder with 20 in Horse
Yes Elephantry innovation
Horse Archer Flexible Leader or Hastiluder with 20 in Bow or Horse
Yes Horse Lords tradition