就在我今天凌晨發出那篇文章並被轉錄到八卦以後,很多網友熱心點擊this belongs on
CNN,剛剛我再去看發現網頁上方多了CNN ireport producer Jareen的留言,而且this
belongs on cnn也不能按了,可能已經引起他們興趣,留言如下:
nawiat was not at the French hotel during this incident. The U.S. student
shared this story on CNN iReport after seeing it posted on the social media
site Facebook, that is also where he collected the images seen above. He says
the information from his iReport is sourced from the Apple Daily, a media
company in Taiwan. The China Post and Taipei Times also reported on the
incident. If you have additional information regarding this iReport, please
comment below.
- Jareen, CNN iReport producer