[情報] GOG正在免費送Battle Realms(決戰江戶)

作者: b0017570 (FN)   2015-06-10 10:13:14
To claim your gift, all you need to do is visit GOG's home page before June
11, 12:59pm BST, scroll down past the Bundles and Highlights sections, and
click on the free gift banner. Then, sometime after that, you'll be emailed
confirmation that Battle Realms has been added to your account.
時間只到 6/11 12:59pm
到 http://www.gog.com/ 往下拉會看到一個 A GIFT FOR YOU 就是了
作者: EijiHoba (我要好工作)   2015-06-10 13:33:00
謝謝分享 ^_^
作者: doomhammer (流浪大酋長)   2015-06-10 14:04:00
已領...感謝 決戰江戶很好玩啊
作者: mikapauli (桜花)   2015-06-10 16:12:00
作者: biglafu (哥吉拉弗)   2015-06-10 18:16:00
決戰江戶最好玩的地方在於 遊戲理好像沒有江戶.....
作者: ewa43 (name)   2015-06-11 09:36:00
有趣的遊戲 人物動作細緻(以當年RTS而言) 沒玩過快去領
作者: shuny (颲風)   2015-06-13 13:55:00

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