[徵才] Skymizer 招募 2019 年暑期實習軟體工程師

作者: catcatcatcat (貓貓貓貓￾ ￾ ￾ ￾  )   2019-03-10 04:59:08
HR 覺得收到的履歷好少?我跟你講,不要理會旁邊的聲音,
po 一百篇沒有?那就再一篇,
慈孤會引導你想要 po 的東西,你還不夠虔誠,繼續 po,對,
你要相信慈孤觀音,只要每天 po 文,要虔誠,你一定會 po 出很多推的徵才文。
千萬不要下線,掛在 PTT 上直到信箱爆滿為止!
### 徵才公司 ###
### 徵才連結 ###
若您非在學學生,歡迎參考我們的正職職缺 http://bit.ly/2TsZbn1
### 實體擺攤活動 ###
* 3/10(日)交通大學就業博覽會(管理二館停車場 167 號攤位)
* 3/16(六)清華大學就業博覽會(名人堂周邊攤位 A35)
* 3/24(日)學生計算機年會: https://sitcon.org/2019/
歡迎帶著你對 Skymizer 的好奇與疑問,我們現場替您解答~
### 關於我們 ###
Skymizer 是頂尖的編譯與虛擬化技術團隊,藉由獨到的編譯器與機器學習技術,幫助軟
的虛擬機器與編譯器,縮短 time-to-market 時間。
### 關於實習 ###
大家都聽過魚和釣竿的故事,在 Skymizer 我們不只給你魚、也給你釣竿、我們還讓你看
### 應徵職缺 ###
* Compiler Team Intern (software)
* Compiler for AI accelerator Intern
* Web fullstack Intern
* Software Engineer Intern for blockchain
### 工作地點 ###
11492 台北市內湖區瑞光路408號12樓
300 新竹市光復路二段101號 - 清大創新育成大樓
### 申請時間 ###
即日起至 2019/03/25 止
### 公佈時間 ###
預計 4 月初陸續公布,4 月底前公布全部結果
### 實習期間 ###
2019 年 7/1~8/31。原則上我們希望實習生能夠在暑假的期間全職,但仍有調整的空間。
### 工作內容 ###
** Compiler/ONNC Team Intern **
Job statement:
* Build an optimizing compiler with LLVM
* Profiling using tools and libraries
* Performance tuning using vectorization, tiling and other techniques
* Design and implement a representative benchmark
Intern Program:
0. Introduction to Skymizer & Orientation (1 week)
1. Maintain & develop ONNC Project (1+4+1 weeks)
0. Design planning & training (1 week)
* ONNC LLVM Backend
* ONNC Runtime
* ONNC Optimization
* Community Participation
1. Implementation (4 weeks)
2. Documentation (1 week)
2. Handover & Presentation (1 week)
Job Requirement
* Basic understanding of deep learning
* Basic understanding of compiler toolchain
** Compiler for AI accelerator Intern **
Job Statement:
For the purpose of making AI accelerator more affordable and more powerful,
you will be studying technical papers seeking to use compiler technology to
speed up the inference of CNN models.
A preferred candidate should be interested in related topics,
and intend to further study them as part of his/her academic research.
You will learn:
* Paper reading
* Implementation of algorithms
* Industry working flow
Job Requirement:
Must Have:
* Compiler
* Computer architecture
* Machine learning
* English reading and speaking
* C++
Nice to have:
* Verilog
** Web fullstack Intern **
Job Statement:
* Understanding modern web development process.
* Design and integrate variety of web applications.
* Implement web frontend UI and backend services.
Job Requirement:
* Knowledge and experience with Javascript, HTML, CSS and Node.js.
* Basic understanding of SQL or non-SQL Databases.
* Have experience of using Git and Docker system in your work.
** Software Engineer Intern for blockchain **
* Developing specialized compiler frameworks and infrastructure.
* Implementing virtual machine components.
* Analyzing performance reports and developing benchmarking tools.
* Developing ecosystem libraries or runtime for smart contract compiler.
* Implementing security analysis tools and linters for smart contracts.
* Experience with system software, data structure, and algorithms.
* Excellent implementation skills in one of the following language: C++,
JavaScript, or Go.
* Experience with UNIX/Linux. [prefer but not required]
* Experience with Ethereum or other Blockchain systems. [prefer but not
* Experience with LLVM or GCC [prefer but not required]
### 薪水與福利 ###
* 全職月薪 35,000 元
* 全職工時為每天 8hr,我們相信在有限的時間內完成工作才是真本事。
* 09:00~18:00 (新竹)或 10:00~19:00(台北),含中午休息 1 hr
### 應徵方式 ###
有任何問題歡迎來信:[email protected]
#### 附錄 ####
作者: godgunman (its嘎嘎麵)   2019-03-10 07:27:00
作者: mintu (MinTu)   2019-03-10 23:38:00
作者: loadingN (sarsaparilla)   2019-03-11 00:58:00
作者: john0312 (Chen John L)   2019-03-11 22:31:00
作者: aacs0130 (湛靈)   2019-03-12 01:52:00
compiler 推,兩個月實習是佛心,通常都要一年
作者: catcatcatcat (貓貓貓貓￾ ￾ ￾ ￾  )   2019-03-12 15:05:00
耶 謝謝 mintu 推推 >w<

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