[單元] 牛頓定律 [來源] 101輔大物理考古題 [題目] A 1600-kg elevator is carrying passengers having a combined mass of 200kg. A constant friction force of 4000 N retards its upward. a) What is the minmum power delivered by the motor to lift the elevator at a constant speed of 3.00 m/s? b) What power must the motor deliver at the instant speed of the elevator is v if it designed to provide an upward acceleration of 1.00 m/s^2 ? [想法] 第一題:當電梯以3(m/s)的速度上升,所做最小的功。 這應該是可以使用P=Fv求解得P = 4000*3 = 12000(J) (不曉得正不正確) 第二題:當電梯以速度v上升,同時帶有1(m/s^2)的向上加速度,問必須做多少功。 這題就搞不清楚了.... 一樣使用P=Fv嗎? P=mav?? 不.... 還有一個向下加速度的9.8啊....Orz 有請解惑。