在日常會話裡,on the fly 的確意思是「隨手做」;
但用在電腦資訊上,就跟隨手不隨手毫無關係,而是變成跟 Just in time 很類似,
例如很久以前電腦遊戲的 3D 過場動畫通常是 "pre-rendered",
但現在流行 "realtime",我們也說這些過場動畫是 "generated on the fly"。
Cut-scenes used to be pre-rendered, because computers back in the
old days simply weren't powerful enough; nowadays, however, most
cut-scenes are generated on the fly, and they're getting more and
more realistic by the day.
Canvas 標籤的用途只是宣告一塊畫布給你,實際要畫東西,
都還是要靠 JavaScript 去畫,而 JavaScript 產生的輸出,
不論是畫在 Canvas 上的圖形,還是 alert("Hello World"),
The <canvas> tag is used to draw graphics, on the fly,
via scripting (usually JavaScript).
Canvas 標籤是用來在執行期間以程式 (通常是 JasvaScript) 動態繪圖用。