※ 引述《sunset (愛情的正常性混亂)》之銘言:
: 1. 以天文物理聞名的史蒂芬滅N金,其出版的「時間簡史(A Brief History of Time)」
: 是他最為人熟知的著作。
: Stephen Hawking, who is well-known in astrophysics, published his most famous
: work "A Brief History of Time".
Stephen Hawking is well-known for his contributions in astrophysics and his
publication "A Brief History of Time".
: 2. 即使罹患罕見疾病,霍金仍靠著先進的醫療技術延續生命,並活到了76歲。
: Though suffered from a rare disease, Hawking had still extended his live by ad
: vanced medical technology and passed away until seventy-six years old.
這裡譯文主要問題點在於「pass away」是單一時間點的事件,接「until」會讓讀者
不明所以,另外因為是「靠著」醫療技術延續生命,建議避免「had still extended」
Thanks to modern medicine advancement, Hawking managed to make it to the age
of 76 despite the burden of a rare disease.
: 以上翻譯若有需再修正,歡迎各位指教,謝謝!
語感養成真的非常花時間,我也還在繼續努力 :D