板上以前很愛提的、比較有名的When Titans Clash這一本,裡面也提到蘇聯在各層級都
: → montmartre: 不同意,以陸軍論,美國ABC電視台拍的紀錄片提到德三 01/20 08:58
: → montmartre: 指揮官比米軍更懂作戰的藝術,士兵們也更知道為何而戰 01/20 08:58
: → montmartre: ,盟軍是靠無限的物資堆贏的。 01/20 08:58
: → montmartre: 舉個例子,大饅頭真的不差,但米軍戰車兵戰技差德三子 01/20 09:00
: → montmartre: 太多,所以常挨打。米軍也抱怨自家的步兵素質不行 01/20 09:00
: → montmartre: 1942年才擴軍的量產軍官,你說平均素質要比那些久戰之 01/20 09:03
: → montmartre: 國好?光是經驗就差人很多好嗎?職場上不就這樣,菜鳥 01/20 09:03
: → montmartre: 要一年之后才可堪用,平啥2戰米軍是特例? 01/20 09:03
Although the German achievement in recovering from defeat in Normandy and in
stopping the Allied advance was impressive, it would be mistaken, as some
earlier commentators did, to underrate Allied fighting quality. A comparison
of American and German performance indicates that the preference of the
former for firepower support from air and artillery did not preclude a
willingness to close with the Germans and a high level of effectiveness in
the resulting combat.
- World War Two: A Military History (Jeremy Black, 2003)
The campaigns of 1943 proved that new divisions with sound training and
competent leaders could perform as well as veteran divisions.
- Closing With the Enemy, How GIs Fought the War in Europe, 1944-1945
(Michael D. Doubler, 1994)
Allied Fighting Effectiveness in North Africa and Italy, 1942-1945或是
Military Effectiveness: Volume 3 The Second World War這兩本書,也有討論到相關