連結 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/05/12/12-5-2014/#more-11769
- damage,“eaten” by detracked shells that didn't however penetrate will
count towards “damage blocked by armor”it seems, but ONLY if the
trajectory of the shell would otherwise intersect with the hull, were the
tracks not there
(也就是只打到履帶不通過車身不算裝甲阻擋 但穿過履帶打到車身沒有傷害就算)
- two vehicles will have their engines changed in the 9.1 test –
Hellcat and Jackson
Hellcat & Jackson 表示在 9.1 Test 引擎會被換掉
- it is possible to balance tanks based on their winrate, compared to the
average winrate of various accounts (SS: the “new method”)
- +/-1 MM spread will not be implemented
萬年老梗不會有 +1-1 MM
- there are no plans to return 8.11 graphics and make the HD optional
via settings
目前沒有計劃回復 8.11 的繪圖品質
不會讓 HD 變成可取消的選項
- there will not be a patch 8.11 rollback either
不會有回復到 8.11 之前的 patch (應該還是講圖形 HD 引擎等)
- there are no plans to make a special server without x2/x5 events
大家都了的 5x 首勝 (1e-5)x 智商
- there will be measures taken to bring back 8.11 game performance, client
will be optimized
會有方法讓 WOT 遊戲端的效能提升回 8.11 的機制
- developers will think about (consider) nerfing the FV215b (183) oneshot
開發者 (八成是 Cep6) 會考慮削弱 183 一發入魂的能力
- in new motion physics, large tanks will still not be able to “run over”
small tanks, crushing them
- developers will make the historical battles tanks more closer to their
historical capabilities
(SS: by adding special set of characteristics for them)
(SS: 讓車輛有跟隨機戰鬥不同的另一組特殊參數)
- there might be a possibility to use lower quality models (not old 8.11
pre-HD models, but HD models with lower resolution)
車輛有可能會出另一組 LD 模型 但並不是 8.11 的老模型
只是 HD 模型的低解析度版本
- there will not be two separate (HD and not HD) clients
不會有 HD 跟 not HD 兩種客戶端
- apparently, WT E-100 will be “reworked” (SS: as in nerfed)
WT E-100 表示悲劇
- Storm confirms that British hightier HT/MT will be “fixed/replaced” –
how exactly will be told when the change becomes actual
Storm 表示英國高階 MT HT 會重新調整或用新車取代
(如果有 Chieftain我要練英線!!)
- the “shell fires outside of client aim circle” bug cannot be fixed. It is
caused by desynchronization between client and server, can be influenced by
connection quality. Some players claim that this started happening a lot
after 8.11, Storm said he cannot confirm that information.
砲彈沒有在瞄準鏡中的小圈圈裡面是個 bug 但是目前無法修復
主因是客戶端跟伺服器 (主要是因為連線品質) 沒有同步
有些人認為 8.11 後此狀況特別嚴重但 Storm 無法確認這個情況
- Veider explains that situation, where an arty is on top of the team, is
allowed – developers took measures to reduce this, but they never said it
would disappear completely or that it’s a MM bug
Veider 說 SPG 當頭車是符合 MM 規則的
但是也沒有說這是 bug 或是以後不會有 SPG 頭車