- it was confirmed in 9.3 supertest patchnotes that suicides will be punished
in World of Tanks. A player asked, how will the game know if I for example
drive off the bridge by accident. Storm answered that you’d have to “drive
off by accident” three times in a row, so that’s apparently the limit of
suicide punishment.
證實 9.3 超測會加入自殺懲罰系統;有人問要怎麼分辨是不是不小心淹死的?Storm 表
- you won’t get bonus XP for blocking shells with your tracks (SS: for
example sidescraping). Storm: “Blocking shells by tracks – that’s bullshit
and not tanking”
- Storm confirms that shooting hatches will NOT produce less damage than
shooting other parts, because it would be counterintuitive for players
- +/-1 MM will not be implemented (Storm: “It would be boring shit”)
- Storm considers current tier 1,2,11 battles (those that have 1 MM spread)
Storm 認為目前的一、二、十一階房很無聊(分房範圍太少)
- the biggest problem for creating HD models for now is that outsourced
modellers suck (lag behind)
- Storm states that having full HD resolution for all tanks (and not just
yours in battle as it was changed in 9.2) is pointless, as you can only tell
the difference from like half a meter
- the full HD texture resolution for other tank than yours will not return,
not even as an option
- free XP calculation formula won’t be changed
- Storm explains his statement that “there was not enough space in the garage
and that’s why the UI got reworked”: “space for extended tank
characteristics, that will come a bit later”
- Sturmtiger won’t be in the game, because it’s impossible to balance. I
asked Storm whether he is considering replacing it with another candidate, such
as the StuG Maus for the Brummb酺 line, he said it was not yet looked into
砲?Storm 表示還沒研究
- 9.3 performance optimization will not concern only weak computers
9.3 的效能優化不光是對弱電腦
- it will not be possible to disable HD models (SS: as in, the things will
stay as they are now), the client will also not be split to normal and HD
- Storm does not think that the HD vehicles, as they are now, look too “new
and clean”, they have traces of use on them
- more spotting points on a tank: “when it’s done it’s done”
- no plans to nerf gold ammo as a whole
- new French heavy line will definitely not come in 2014 or 2015
- Storm confirms that the bug where the tanks are oddly tilted when scouted or
when the map is loading will be fixed in 9.3
- Storm states that it is not possible to do anything with the issue (for now)
where during one session, you get the same maps over and over again
- Storm states that the feature, planned earlier, where it would be possible
to move a tank on one track a bit when it got detracked, the way it is in War
Thunder, was scrapped
- new crew skills and perks will not come this year
- regarding the transmission/engine split, the vehicles of tiers 8-10 that got
reworked in the 9.3 patch were only the first batch, it takes a long time to
apply this mechanism to all the vehicles in the game
引擎和變速箱分家,9.3 會先做八階以上的車;把所有車都改完需要很多時間
- both transmission and engine will have a common HP pool
- alternative hulls: “maybe next year”
- when new motion physics gets implemented, tank climbing ability on slopes
will likely be artificially limited, the way it is now
- T-50-2 will not return
50-2 回不來了
- it will theoretically be possible for a ricocheted shell to damage second
- T49 Light Tank will have two types of credit shells: HEAT and HE. According
to developers, the HEAT penetration (SS: 152mm) is not very high and on high
tiers, every second tank has some spaced armor, so shooting with it won’t be
as simple
T49 LT w/152mm 有兩種彈藥,HEAT 和 HE。開發人員表示,因為HEAT穿深不高而且有一
- LT video will come soon apparently
- T49 tank destroyer will be renamed to T67
T49 TD 會被更名為 T67