Re: [疑問]孫立人致第七艦隊司令柯克倒蔣密函出處?

作者: carsen (carsen)   2016-12-17 13:41:45
Top Secret, 1950 Formosa And Hainan islands (Jan-Jul), CA Records,
Archives Unbound, pp. 164-165.
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6. Procedures to implement decision, if made, to insure re-
tention of Formosa in non-Communist hands.
(a) Confidential Declaration to Chiang Kai-shek, K. C. Wu
and Sun Li-jen.
It is not believed that the course of action suggested here
is desirable or that it would be in the U.S. national interest.
So long as the Generalissimo and his group of followers remain on
Formosa, they will be a source of embarrassment and trouble to
the U.S. By experience we know that they will be ready enough
with promises of action desired by the U.S. and equally ready
to fail in fulfillment of such promises. They will inevitably
look upon the course of events as providing them another oppor-
tunity of returning to power on the mainland and their efforts
will be directed chiefly to that end, even to the extent of
doing everything in their power to bring about a third world
war. For these reasons, it seems logical that the U.S. should
adopt one of two courses:
(1) It should make clear to the Generalissimo, K. C. Wu,
Chen Cheng and Sun Li-jen that the U.S. must insist upon the
cessation of hostilities between Formosa and the mainland; that
the U.S. will assist the provincial government in its adminis-
trative and economic tasks; that as a condition for U.S. economic
aid and military advice and assistance the Generalissimo and the
present group of leaders of the National Government must be
willing to leave the Island and turn over the civil and military
administration to such Chinese and Formosan leaders as the U.S.
may designate; that the U.S. will then give military advice and
assistance to the commander responsible for the defense of the
Island; that the U.S. will expect the provincial administration
on Formosa to give high priority to the welfares of the Formosan
people; and that the U.S. will order units of its navy to visit
Formosa in order to prevent action by against Formosa for a
period during which the problem of Formosa would be made the sub-
jest of discussion with other concerned governments.
(2) The U.S. should inform Sun Li-jen in the strictest
confidence through a private emissary that the U.S. Government is
prepared to furnish him the necessary military aid and advice in
the event that he wishes to stage a coup d'etat for the purpose
of establishing his military control over the Island. Sun should
also be given ample funds (the total might run into several mil-
lion dollars) to assist him in buying over the other commanders
necessary to such an undertaking; he should be given firm
assurances of whatever additional funds he might need in this
connection during the early stages. Urgent preparations would
have to be made to arrange for the shipment from Guam or some
other nearby U.S. base of the arms and ammunition necessary to
meet Sun's military requirements at the outset of such an under-
作者: dasfriedrich (天行健)   2016-12-17 13:43:00
作者: Kavis (抱著兔子的地鼠)   2016-12-17 14:23:00
作者: ChoshuArmy (長州軍閥)   2016-12-17 15:35:00
作者: dasfriedrich (天行健)   2016-12-17 16:06:00
我那份資料是GHQ的文件PDF檔,要一個字一個字key in有時候會覺得駐台美國CIA的看法跟GHQ的情報完全相反
作者: ChoshuArmy (長州軍閥)   2016-12-17 16:18:00
作者: dasfriedrich (天行健)   2016-12-17 16:19:00
作者: ChoshuArmy (長州軍閥)   2016-12-17 16:26:00
作者: dasfriedrich (天行健)   2016-12-17 16:28:00
作者: hazel0093 (   2016-12-17 18:41:00
作者: zeumax (煙灰缸裡的魚)   2016-12-18 17:02:00
作者: sufficiently (sufficiently)   2016-12-19 09:14:00
作者: yuriaki (百合秋)   2016-12-19 09:47:00
孫立人「差點」解救台灣人=「差點」造反成功=孫立人不冤這一檢討把孫從正義神將貶成造反愚將 果然毀掉孫一世英明
作者: pups914702 (想不起帳號由來)   2016-12-20 23:24:00

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