[新聞] 房產泡沫後 愛爾蘭政府準備拆毀過剩空屋

作者: ericwinner (奈米戶等級)   2012-07-20 15:18:00
http://ppt.cc/Rgq- 彭博社
Ireland Bulldozes Ghost Estate In Life After Real Estate Bubble
房產泡沫後 愛爾蘭政府準備拆毀那些沒人居住的"鬼屋"
Ireland is opting for bulldozers rather than bankers as it starts to clear the
legacy of the housing boom whose collapse brought the economy to its knees.
愛爾蘭政府以前擁抱銀行家 靠他們拉抬房價 推升總體經濟
現在則出動推土機 要將這些空屋全數弭平
About 1,850 housing developments, unfinished after the bubble burst in 2008,
pockmark the Irish landscape, according to government figures. This week,
Ireland’s National Asset Management Agency, the state agency set up in 2009 to
purge banks of their most toxic commercial property loans, started the
destruction of an apartment block for the first time.
2008年以後 大概有1850個建案動工到一半就因為泡沫破滅後停止繼續建造了
“If nobody wants to live in them,then the most practical thing to do possibly
will be to demolish what is there.”
"如果沒有人願意住進這些空屋 那麼最實際的處理方式就是拆除這些空屋"
The so-called ghost estates are the most visible scar left by Western Europe’s
worst real-estate crash, which led Ireland to follow Greece in seeking
international financial help. In all, about 15 percent of Irish homes are
vacant, the country’s statistics agency estimates.
About 553,000 houses were built in the 10 years through 2005 in the country of
about 4.5 million people, as homebuilding expanded at twice the pace of the
rest of Europe. About 294,000 homes now lie empty, as prices halved. In Dublin,
prices have dropped 64 percent from the 2007 market peak, according to Irish
real estate agent Lisney in a report this week.
2008年後 大約多建了55萬個新房 而到現在為止 大約有29萬戶是空屋(價格也腰斬)
羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)被記者訪問到土耳其的未來時
快人快語 行動果決的他 邊跑跑步機 邊回答記者
"我如果是歐盟高層 我會毫不猶豫讓土耳其加入歐盟"
我現在沒有房產 我也不會買房
但我如果現在有房 我會下午就把它賣掉!
作者: playhome (重生)   2012-07-20 15:23:00
作者: ericwinner (奈米戶等級)   2012-07-20 15:25:00
我如果現在有房 我會下午就把它賣掉!
作者: landagent (帥過頭)   2012-07-20 15:31:00
作者: playhome (重生)   2012-07-20 15:35:00
作者: playhome (重生)   2012-07-20 15:36:00
作者: Gaussian09 (Gaussian09)   2012-07-20 15:36:00
台灣現況 買前:房價太高不合理叭~買後:房市會再漲20年
作者: SDerick (㊣大壞蛋德瑞克㊣)   2012-07-20 15:37:00
Sand Deer Should Be Higher = 沙鹿一定漲
作者: jimmmy (心不透徹)   2012-07-20 15:42:00
1F 讓我笑了
作者: september02 (九月二號)   2012-07-20 15:49:00
作者: september02 (九月二號)   2012-07-20 15:50:00
作者: playhome (重生)   2012-07-20 15:56:00
作者: ericwinner (奈米戶等級)   2012-07-20 16:02:00
邏輯都這麼差 難怪只能在這打嘴砲我根本就不會動買房的念頭"等你有房之後" 根本是個假命題
作者: playhome (重生)   2012-07-20 16:13:00
作者: playhome (重生)   2012-07-20 16:14:00
作者: whiteadam (blue eyes blue)   2012-07-20 18:52:00
作者: playhome (重生)   2012-07-20 19:36:00
作者: Mikli (GiGi)   2012-07-20 20:00:00
才15%? 台灣都20%空屋了還不是活得好好的!
作者: saplpa (adidas)   2012-07-21 00:17:00
快逃~~~ 要山山了~~~

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