題目 Pleomorphic adenoma of the auricle 期刊名稱 The Journal of Laryngology & Otology Volume 96, Issue 12 December 1982, pp. 1137-1140 作者 Akikazu Ito, Tsutomu Nakashima and Mayumi Kitamura 另外兩篇更老更舊 1. Li PL, Yang C (1935) An inquiry into the origin of the mixed tumor of the salivary glands, with reference to their embryonic interrelationships. Am J Cancer 25:259–272 2. Morehead RP (1945) Mixed tumors of skin, report of cases, with consideration of tumors of organs derived from ectoderm. Arch Pathol 40:107– 113 我的email: [email protected]/*