[課程] 印尼Yenny Christine 2 day 後彎workshop

作者: oliviedor (pp)   2022-11-18 05:01:59
歡迎來自印尼的Yenny Christine 到台北!
2-day 後彎Workshop - 台北場
我們這一次很榮幸可以邀請來自印尼的Yenny Christine到台北辦一場兩天10小時瑜珈後
如果妳有在追蹤Yenny 不要錯過了!第一次聆聽她親臨現場教授瑜珈的機會
如果妳想要在瑜伽後彎更進一步,Yenny 在這領域擁有超過15年的經驗,她將會鉅細靡遺
Workshop工作坊的細節 如下:
日期:2023年2月18、19日 (六、日)
時間:上午10am至下午4.30pm (中場休息1.5小時)
早鳥優惠: NT$9,900 / US$320 (12月15日截止)
2人組合: NT$19,000 / US$610 (12月15日截止)
原價: NT$12,000/US$388
詢問請DM Instagram @yogaambee 或email [email protected]
Yenny’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/yennychristine/
Day 1, Session 2
Energy from Breaths
In this session, the breathing will be stronger and deeper. You will learn how
to transfer energy to the right direction and see how it deepens your backben
ds safely. We will cover more advanced backbends but easier options will be gi
Day 2, Session 1
Inverted Backbends
Are you flexible? Or strong? You can be both if you do it right. Going upside
down is not that much different from doing conscious backbend. Can't do any in
versions yet? Don't worry. It's time to learn!
Day 2, Session 2
Continuous Movements
Learn fun backbend transitions in this session. This is the consolidation of t
he whole workshop and more. Also feel how small tricks can make transitioning
Yenny Christine is coming to Taipei! Check out the details below!
Want to broaden your horizons in backbends? Let Yenny lead you and deepen your
backbends with intelligence, anatomical sense, and good breathing technique.
Don’t miss this rare chance! Limited spots available.
Backbend Workshop with Yenny
Date: 18th & 19th Feb 2023 (Sat & Sun)
Time: 10am - 4.30pm (10 hr)
Venue: Zhongxiao Dunhua 忠孝敦化捷運站
Early Bird: NT$9,900 / US$320 (ends Dec 15th)
Bring-a-friend: NT$19,000 / US$610 (ends Dec 15th)
Regular Price: NT$12,000/US$388
Click here to register!
Questions? Contact [email protected] or DM @yogaambee
Yenny’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/yennychristine/
*Workshop will be conducted in English.

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