KW96 (KW96)
2023-05-26 21:57:32Guam Airport is not expected to reopen until May 30
關島機場預計要到 5 月 30 日才能重新開放
2023.05.26 GUAMNEWS
The Guam Airport is not expected to reopen until Tuesday, May 30.
GIAA Executive Manager John Quinata said, “Our airfield fared well and is abl
e to receive limited aircraft humanitarian and essential cargo operations. How
ever, our terminal and passenger processing technical systems have been greatl
y affected by flooding on all floors of the terminal.”
Passengers are advised to contact their airlines directly for flight status an
d rescheduling their flight.
心得:關島航廈內的所有樓層淹水,預計要到 5 月 30 日星期二才能重新開放。希望在