※ 引述《theologe (表達你我的信仰~)》之銘言:
: 延續#1RUOXdna推文處tf建議的「反律主義」探討:
: 這篇摘要介紹了那時路德處理的爭論,比較好懂一點
: https://lutheranreformation.org/history/the-antinomian-disputations/
: 有些句子我真的看到板上兩造辯論的影子!
: "Agricola and the Antinomians did not deny the presence of sin in the life o
: the Christian. However, they saw the Law as a dead letter, which by no means
: could bring about repentance. Repentance is brought about by the work of the
: Holy Spirit, as Jesus teaches in John 14-16, and the antinomians operated
: with the idea that the Holy Spirit did not work through the Law. Instead,
: they believed that the Holy Spirit operates only in the Gospel. Therefore,
: the preaching of the crucified Christ alone would lead to true repentance.
: Repentance from sin was not about recognizing that one had violated the Law
: but that one had done harm to the Son of Man, who laid down His life for the
: salvation of sinners."
: 這段對反律主義論點的描繪,跟板上會所弟兄表述的幾乎一致。
: 並非罪大惡極,甚至頗有說服力,但就是怪怪的。
: 至於路德怎麼回應?
: "For Luther, if one would lose the proclamation of the Law, one would also
: lose the sweet gospel which sets sinners free from condemnation. He said, “
: Yet it is safest to turn to a middle road, to turn too much neither to the
: right nor to the left. For both are dangerous, and, as I said already, for
: this reason also, the office of the word was instituted, that we might teach
: both, that is, the Law and the Gospel. The one cannot properly be taught or
: dealt with safely without the other…So here too one must divide well, lest
: only one part be taught in the churches—either fear and sorrow or
: consolation and joy—but both at the same time.”[4] Both Law and Gospel are
: necessary for repentance: the Law which works contrition (sorrow for sin) an
: the Gospel which works faith in the promise of forgiveness.
: Is there a need for the preaching of the Law? Should pastors proclaim the La
: in their sermons? Does the Law play a role in repentance? Yes. “The Law
: reveals the guilt of sin And makes us conscience-stricken; But then the
: Gospel enters in The sinful soul to quicken.”[5] As we remain in the fallen
: flesh we will have need for God’s holy Law, not as a means to make ourselve
: righteous but in order that we take hold of the depth of Christ’s saving
: work for us, delivered in the Gospel message of forgiveness."
: 其他的部份請再自行閱讀連結全文。