打講義的時候,遇到了一些問題... 想要請教一下..
1. 副詞的用法
The bus moves slowly.
(slowly 在這裡用副詞應該沒有問題)
The bus moves so slow.
(但這句我覺得也是對的. 還是其實我錯了?)
The stars shone brightly.
The stars shone bright.
(這句我也覺得很順.... )
2. 再來到複合形容詞 adj-Ving / adv-Ving
The bus moves slowly. => the slowly moving bus (可以這樣講嗎? 怎覺得怪怪的?)
The bus moves slow. => the slow-moving bus (感覺這樣講比較對)
The stars shone brightly. => the brightly shining stars (感覺是對的....)
The stars shone bright. => the bright-shining stars (可是我會傾向這樣寫)
要請教一下, 到底這二句要怎麼用才對?