請教各位先進與專家 stigma 有哪些(最常見的)中文翻譯?
查詢上列網路版 Oxford Dictionary 得到的第1個(大概是最常見的)解釋是:
1. A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality,
or person:
'the stigma of having gone to prison will always be with me'
'debt has lost its stigma and is now a part of everyday life'
* 'There is no longer any social stigma attached to soft drug use,
and the statistics bear this out.'
* 'The aim is to remove the social stigma attached to the disease.'
* 'Flynn says that she and the team were determined to remove the stigma
attached to working away from the office.'
請教各位先進與專家這些例句裡的 stigma 應如何翻譯最為貼切?
此外網路版 Oxford Dictionary 對 stigma 還有其他(大概較不常見的)解釋
作者: gentianpan 2016-08-31 23:14:00
這3句都可翻成「污名」。為何很多病人都不肯就療,有諸多原因。有些患者可能不知道治療的好處; 或他們正面臨污名與恥辱的囧境。...這什病?看了,以為花柳病,原來只是 depression