Fw: [懷舊] 補教名師鄭蓉

作者: perspicuity (scalper)   2016-09-21 01:31:24
作者: perspicuity (scalper) 看板: RIPE_gender
標題: [懷舊] 補教名師鄭蓉
時間: Wed Sep 21 00:08:38 2016
It is necessary that everything be ready by three o'clock.在台灣的高中,很多英
生,他問了well-educated American,結果對方說,不是省略should,是根本就沒有
should。這種用法是present subjunctive!
It is necessary that everything be ready by three o'clock.(Ammerican usage)
It is necessary that everything should be ready by three o'clock.(British

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