原文:The Smart Battery’s defaults to act as a secondary battery in order to prevent large amounts of energy that could potentially flow between two primary batteries not at the same charge level. 問題一:Smart Battery's是 Smart Battery has的縮寫嗎? 如果不是,那to的前面應該要加is吧? 如果是,可以有這種用法嗎? 問題二:in order to prevent large amounts of energy that......flow between two V O C1 V 介係詞 primary batteries not at the same charge level. 片語1 介係詞片語2 想請問,以that起頭的句子是補語嗎?還是要這樣分析? in order to prevent large amounts of energy that......flow between two primary V 從large到batteries都是O batteries not at the same charge level. 介係詞片語1