hoch (Sanctuary)
2017-07-21 14:39:54: 中文題目:藥物辨識系統行動化之研究與實作—以高血壓藥物為例iOS版本
: 英文題目:The research and implementation of the mobile drug identification sy
: stem-the case of high blood pressure drug as an example by iOS version
: 給老闆看了之後剩下題目的英文及摘要的英文需要修改,老闆表示:不是文法對就對。
建議 1: Design and implementation of an iOS software system for
identifying hypertension medication
建議 2: [Design and implementation of] A mobile drug identification system
建議 3: Designing mobile drug identification systems: a case study on
identifying hypertension medication using an iOS APP