[心得] To His Coy Mistress

作者: jesus1989 (反者道之動)   2009-06-21 04:10:29
As discussed in class, 'To His Coy Mistress' was deceptively a love poem.
After the lecture of this poem, I was really moved by the emotion of the poet.
In the past I believed faithfully in Confucism, whose core value was to serve
the well-beings of the others in a very active and optimistic way. But what
is human? Are we just talented by God to rule the world, or as ancient
Confucism (not the Song Neo-Cconfucism) mentioned that we only need to care
about the life we are now living? But what is life? According to Marvell,
CARPE DIEM! I always set long-term goals as most of us would, but who knows if
we can live until the goals are fulfilled!
My conservative parents always persuade me to do well in academic aspect
before talking about love

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