odkmse (朝鮮鐵道省)
2016-08-27 09:32:21節錄重點
(1)訂購28列Avelia Liberty取代ACELA
(2)最高速度可達300km/h(186mph),但營運速度維持257km/h(160 mph)
Alstom and Amtrak announced today that they have signed a contract for Alstom
to design and build 28 new high-speed trains, which will run on the Northeast
Corridor (NEC) between Boston and Washington D.C. Amtrak and Alstom also
signed a long-term contract under which Alstom will provide Amtrak with
long-term technical support and supply spare components and parts for the
maintenance of the new trainsets. Together, these contracts are worth €1.8
billion ($2 billion).
The Northeast Corridor (NEC) line covers roughly 730 km (457 miles)[1]. In
only ten years, the number of passengers has increased from 2.4 million
passengers in FY 2002 to 3.5 million in FY 2014. As part of an effort to
renew and expand their premium product, Amtrak has therefore decided to
purchase new trainsets to replace the existing Acela trains [2], thus
increasing passenger capacity, providing more frequent service, minimizing
journey times, and improving operating costs and energy efficiency.
The train ordered by Amtrak is Avelia Liberty, the latest development of
Alstom’s high-speed train range Avelia. The new trainset will be able to
carry up to 33% more passengers than the current Acela trains. The trainset
configuration includes an innovative compact power car and nine passenger
cars, with the possibility of three more being added if demand grows. The
train is capable of travelling at speeds up to 300 km/h (186 mph), but will
initially operate at a maximum speed of 257 km/h (160 mph) based on NEC track
speed limits. Additionally, each concentrated power car is equipped with
Alstom’s pioneering Crash Energy Management (CEM) system.
Another key feature is the train’s articulated architecture, which provides
greater stability and passenger comfort while enhancing safety. The train
also includes Alstom’s innovative Tiltronix anticipative tilting technology,
which allows the train to manoeuvre curves safely and more comfortably at
high speeds.
“Amtrak is taking the necessary actions to keep our customers, the Northeast
region and the American economy moving forward,” said Amtrak President & CEO
Joe Boardman. “These trainsets and the modernization and improvement of
infrastructure will provide our customers with the mobility and experience of
the future.”
Jérôme Wallut, Senior Vice President, Alstom North-America said “Alstom’s
high speed trains, which we have branded Avelia, are the most advanced,
reliable and safest trains in the world. Avelia Liberty will not only provide
premium passenger experience but will also provide greater energy efficiency
and lower lifecycle costs. This award is an illustration of the success of
Alstom’s strategy of customer proximity. We would like to thank Amtrak for
its vote of confidence and remain fully dedicated to making this project a
Most of the Avelia Liberty for Amtrak will be manufactured in the United
States. The new trainsets will be manufactured at Alstom’s 150 year-old
historic site in Hornell, NY. They will be maintained in the depots of Amtrak
in Boston, New York and Washington DC under a specific Technical Support and
Spare Supply Agreement with additional support from Alstom’s sites in New
York, Delaware and Illinois for a period of 15 years, with an option for an
additional 15 years. These contracts will result in the creation of more than
1,000 jobs nationwide, including 750 in New York with 400 of those at Alstom
In nearly 40 years, Alstom has sold more than 1,100 Avelia high speed trains
around the world and equipped over 300 more with its technology. As of
today, Alstom’s Avelia high-speed trains have covered over 6.4 billion
kilometres in 20 countries and transported 4 billion passengers.
[1] from Boston, Massachusetts, to Washington, D.C. via New York and
[2] In commercial service since 2000. Trains manufactured by
Alstom-Bombardier Consortium
Odakyu (青蛙騎士 瀬戸幸助)
2016-08-27 10:32:00還用動力集中ob'_'ov
作者: geesegeese (毆) 2016-08-27 12:27:00
標準軌這點就贏TRA了 不過NEC不管加速還是雙層都很難啊加上帝國喜用集中式(ES64快來啊!) 所以應該也就這樣了
作者: cutec (sasaki) 2016-08-27 15:03:00
shun01 (老胡做13年,青沼瞬活14年)
2016-08-27 17:53:00日本:...
atriple (請逐項修改)
2016-08-27 18:49:00我猜是因為「東北」這個詞讓s大想到日本。
作者: cutec (sasaki) 2016-08-27 23:52:00
作者: cutec (sasaki) 2016-08-28 00:26:00
Xkang (一日台大人 終生台大人)
2016-08-28 00:58:00257kph喔 那是高鐵了跟俄國 土耳其的高鐵差不多 還比葡萄牙的alpha 奧地利的railjet快印尼高鐵好像也是設定250最大
ecpoem (CK101)
2016-08-28 02:40:00如果路線不改善,160mph也是枉然
shun01 (老胡做13年,青沼瞬活14年)
2016-08-28 06:20:00不是日本跟大陸到處都在搶高鐵合約?怎麼這邊兩個都放棄?
Alica (Torsades de Pointes)
2016-08-28 13:56:00Buy America日本就直接放棄了吧 還不用說MU的維護成本哩
ecpoem (CK101)
2016-08-28 14:10:00日車早就在美國設工廠了,也拿下不少單子,包含通勤EMU
Alica (Torsades de Pointes)
2016-08-28 14:24:00要說通勤車美國廠當然不是沒有 川崎當年讓301過水的也是啊但是目前為止日本有在海外產過高鐵車輛?
Odakyu (青蛙騎士 瀬戸幸助)
2016-08-28 14:26:00日立在英國設廠要製造800算不算?
Alica (Torsades de Pointes)
2016-08-28 14:35:00800速度只是一般1435水準 拉到美國就東北區間車 不到Acela
ecpoem (CK101)
2016-08-28 15:20:00「沒在海外生產過高鐵車輛」就是「直接放棄」?這邏輯還真順啊...
Alica (Torsades de Pointes)
2016-08-28 15:38:00不然樓上可以說說日本提出過哪些符合FRA撞擊標準的原型設計日本要標英國HS2還是很有機會的 但是標美國得過FRA撞擊這關我是不認為日本設計拉到符合撞擊標準後成本還有競爭力啦Buy America剛好變成下台階
ecpoem (CK101)
2016-08-28 16:12:00成本是因素沒錯,但日本會直接放棄美國高鐵市場?
Alica (Torsades de Pointes)
2016-08-28 16:29:00我覺得日本想推美國的是磁浮啦 專用線自然沒有FRA撞擊問題但是NEC現況FRA沒可能撤除撞擊標準 對日本來說就很難吃下去吃不到葡萄嫌葡萄酸 經媒體放炮批評業主主管機關也就沒啥了
日本在英國也批新機車頭採購是過時思維...XD 吃不到
omkizo (陳武愛帶你笑掌)
2016-08-29 01:21:00為何覺得1435跑200像喝水一樣簡單跟據UIC的定義 能跑200就算廣義的高速鐵路列車
ecpoem (CK101)
2016-08-29 06:34:00日車目前也在推美國城際客車,他們網站有說能做125mph的。但即使能做出125mph的,之後做不做得出160mph就不一定了
作者: cutec (sasaki) 2016-08-29 07:49:00
Alica (Torsades de Pointes)
2016-08-29 13:25:00這邊有點問題:傳統線升級是跑200就算高鐵嗎?英文維基說DB IC不算 到底是哪裡不算了?如果算高鐵的話 那NEC從AEM-7上線就能稱高鐵了 不用等Acela
作者: cutec (sasaki) 2016-08-29 15:53:00
您是看到維基的說法才有如此問題嗎? 我覺得那篇的說法是很有問題的第一個它提到法國的IC也不能算,但自從TGV出現後SNCF的IC已經基本不跑200了(通常都是160),所以並沒有認定為高鐵的問題。此外德國IC最高速通常為200(少數為220)且會被安排在傳統線升級路段(最高速200-250)或專用的高速線上行駛,沒有違反文中所述EC與UIC對高速鐵路的定義條件。因此就這樣來說,被否定的理由是不充分的。
好奇英國High speed train 是否為high speed rail?
omkizo (陳武愛帶你笑掌)
2016-08-29 21:28:00這樣說吧 假設臺鐵用上黑科技能跑200驚豔全球 但它敢在西部自稱高鐵嗎? 在東部說自己是高鐵也會被說不要臉了在英國那幾條大動脈都能跑200的路段 線上的小站都廢了一堆
Alica (Torsades de Pointes)
2016-08-29 21:32:00你上面才說UIC定義(舊線升級)跑200就算 這邊怎麼又不算了
omkizo (陳武愛帶你笑掌)
2016-08-29 21:33:00跟對岸15年前有87分像 但那幾條線路沒見過有打很大的廣告說自己是高鐵 建HS2也沒見到有人嘴「已經有高鐵了」這檔事定義是這樣啦 民眾接不接受 營運者自不自稱高鐵是兩回事
Alica (Torsades de Pointes)
2016-08-29 21:36:00如果沒有台灣高鐵 台鐵有辦法提速200然後自稱高鐵只能服他現況是有跑300的台灣高鐵 所以跑200的自稱高鐵會被笑啦
omkizo (陳武愛帶你笑掌)
2016-08-29 21:41:00按照EC和UIC的定義上越新幹線不算是高鐵(戰