CIO (人生如此)
2014-03-05 22:54:58以下是看完我的想法
※ 引述《shiao0424 (屎待拉)》之銘言:
: 出處: Seth's Blog http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/
: 第一次翻譯,以後也打算繼續練習,希望各位前輩有所指點
: 文末有一些自己都很不確定的翻譯問題,請高手鞭策,謝謝!!
: Should you teach the world a new word?
: Posted by Seth Godin on February 22, 2014
: 你該教這個世界一個新的詞嗎?
: A long time ago, I was a "book packager." I didn't actually make the package
: that books came in... I was a producer of books, the way someone might
: produce a movie. Sometimes I wrote them, too.
: 在很久以前,我是個包裝書的人。我不是真的在做書的包裝,我是生產書的人,就像那些
: 製造電影的人一樣。有時候我也會寫書。
: What a confusion this name causes. When people asked what I did, my job title
: gave them too much (too little) information. I should have just told
: non-industry people I was an author.
: 這個名稱帶來了一些混淆。當有人問起我是做什麼時候,我的職稱給他們太多(或太少)資
: 訊,我應該告訴那些工業界以外的人說我是個作家。
non-industry people翻成 非業界人士 會比較好嗎?
: Innovation involves making something that hasn't been made before, and one
: way to signal that you're doing something new is to give it a new name. But
: often, the new name gets in the way of people experiencing what you have to
: offer.
: 創新牽涉到做出某些東西是過去從未出現過的,而標示出你做了某些全新的東西的一個方
: 法就是給他一個新的名字。但經常,一個新的名字會讓人有期待於你必須提供些什麼。
: The iPhone isn't really a phone, it's actually not a very good phone at all,
: but calling it a phone made it easy for people to put it into a category. The
: category was expanded by the behavior of the iPhone, and now "phone" means
: something far more than it used to. "What do you mean your phone can't tell
: me how far away the diner is?" Of course, this was an absurd thing to expect
: from a phone not very long ago.
: iPhone並不完全是個電話,事實上他一點也不是個好的電話,但是稱她為一支電話會比較
: 容易讓人替這個產品分類。電話這個類別因為iPhone可以產生的行為而延伸,到現在「電
: 話」代表的意義比他以前代表的多了更多。「你說你的電話不能告訴我餐廳還有多遠是什
: 麼意思?」當然,在很久以前期待一支手機可以做出這件事是一件非常荒謬的事情。
Of course, this was an absurd thing to expect from a phone not very long ago.
我會翻成: 不久前,對電話來講這仍是件荒謬的事
: Mario Batali calls himself a chef, but of course he rarely if ever sets up in
: a kitchen and cooks meals for strangers at minimum wage. But chef is a lot
: easier and simpler than a whole bunch of hyphens.
: Mario Batali 稱他自己為廚師,但是他當然不僅僅是個拿著最低薪資在廚房裡煮飯給陌
: 生人吃的傢伙,但是「廚師」比一大堆連字號要來的簡單明瞭多了。
rarely if ever應該是: 很少,假如曾經發生過的話,
a whole bunch of hyphens: 一長串頭銜
: Your job might be like no other one like it in the world, but that doesn't
: mean you need a new job title. The short version: if you can happily succeed
: while filling an existing niche, it's far easier than insisting that people
: invent a new category for you. On the other hand, if you need (and can earn)
: a new category, that's a shortcut to becoming a category of one.
: 你的工作或許獨一無二,但這不代表你需要一個新的職稱。簡單來說,你可以很快樂且成
: 功地塞進一個令人興奮的壁櫥裡時,比你堅持要人們為你創造一個新的類別要容易多了。
: 此外,如果你希望(並且可以得到)有一個新的類別,是有一個捷徑去成為一個獨特的
: 類別的。
if you can happily succeed while filling an existing niche
On the other hand, if you need(and can earn) a new category, that's a shortcut
to becoming a category of one.
: Choose a new name when it helps you achieve your goals, not because you're
: worried about some truth-in-taxonomy commission giving you a hassle.
: 選擇一個可以幫你達成目標的新名字,不是因為你擔心什麼「分類學真理委員會」會找你
: 麻煩。
Choose a new name when it helps you achieve your goals
: (One more example: Tweet is a new word, a risk because it might have been
: rejected. In the opposite direction, Facebook took a big risk with the words,
: 'like' and 'friend' because they redefined them to mean something new,
: something a bit different. It paid off, certainly, but not without some thin
: ice. It doesn't matter if you're right, it matters if you are understood.)
: (還有一個例子,Tweet是一個新的詞,它的風險是可能不被接受;另一方面,Facebook裡
: 面使用的字也承擔著巨大的風險,「讚」和「好友」,他們重新定義並改變了這兩個字的
: 原始意義。可以肯定的是,他成功了,但也不是這麼輕而易舉。你是否正確並不重要,重
: 要的是你能不能夠被理解。)
: 1. the new name gets in the way of people experiencing what you have to offer.
: 一個新名字跟你提供的服務會給人們產生什麼樣的經驗?還是人們會依據過去的經驗來想
: 像你該是什麼樣子? 不太清楚這句的文意
: 2. On the other hand, if you need (and can earn) a new category, that's a
: shortcut to becoming a category of one.
: 不太清楚這裡的"that's"是指上文所述,還是下文即將提供意見。
: one該怎麼翻才好?
: 3. It paid off, certainly, but not without some thin ice.
: 不太理解thin ice所代表的意義,就是薄冰嗎?
: 感謝各位前輩指教!!