※ 引述《Tomwelcome (唐先生)》之銘言:
: A trust which will be protected from and/or assist in qualifying me or a membe
: r of my family for Medicaid.
: 如果把be protected from去掉就很容易了,“能協助我和家人獲得醫療補助資格的信託
: ”,但這個protected from到底是什麼意思我怎麼都看不懂。
: Protected from是保護不受誰傷害,這個意思不管怎麼想都與文意不合。若文意是“受保
: 障能……”就合理了,但那應該是寫成be protected for才對,這個from到底是什麼作用
: ?百思不得阿~
A trust which will [protect my assets from being counted by Medicaid] and/or
assist in qualifying me or a member of my family for Medicaid