gyosou (田倉太郎)
2017-02-10 16:02:51【2017 心智哲學研究所春季系列演講】
【主講人】Sascha Fink
(德國馬德堡大學哲學-神經科學-認知學程 助理教授)
觀、私密的)意識,面臨各種困境。Sascha Fink(德國馬德堡大學哲學-神經科學-認知學
According to a traditional view, some parts of our mental life are hidden
from others, the phenomenal aspects being probably the best candidate: I can
know first-hand what my dream was like, but I can keep others from knowing
about my dreams. All that anybody else but me can claim about my dreams is
second-hand, relying on testimony, or is inferred by some fallible theory or
supported by some more or less reliable evidence. Several prominent
neuroscientists (Edelman & Tononi 2000, Frith 2007, Kosslyn & Ochsner 1994,
Palmers 2003, Seth 2010) believe that the privacy of phenomenal experiences
raises methodological issues for researching consciousness and limits its
scope: Either a science of consciousness cannot be strongly objective, or is
limited only to the structural aspects of experiences, or fails to uphold
scientific anarchism. In this talk, I analyze which notion of privacy would
be necessary to raise such a strong problem. However, I am skeptical that we
have reason to believe that phenomenality is private in such a strong sense.
Conceptual and empirical arguments show that phenomenality is not public. But
not everything that is not public is directly private. So I illustrate a
possibility how phenomenality in the actual world can be neither public nor
private. In such a "Conscious Clubs", different subjects may share first-hand
access to the same phenomenal token. If accepted, any argument for limiting the
scope of consciousness studies based on some alleged privacy fails.