Re: [轉載]決戰後置論與低速戰艦無用論

作者: fw190a (las)   2018-01-04 12:39:13
※ 引述《wl00669773 (Jerry shou)》之銘言:
: 而不是先看了前衛的教條知道前衛的定義
: 所以我在給FW大的回文中會先試著丟個案 或者對抗敵方前衛的手段試圖讓FW大理解
: 但是這都是側面理解 我想FW大也不太能信服
: 先說一下 前衛艦隊基本上是指Detached Wing
: 但是我覺得後來有點變成艦隊對決中的Light Forces對抗都被納入"前衛"之中
基本上看完這篇資料的相關段落,美國這個detached wing,
加上他對於火力的要求,基本上這個概念就是battle line的延伸,
只不過是切割出來的機動性更高的battle line,
用來在battle line的對決中爭取優勢,
後面那篇英國的Advanced Forces,更接近前衛的定義,
日德蘭海戰是英軍的advanced force被誘餌拉走撞上敵人主力,
c) Battlecruisers. To engage leading enemy capital ships and to support light
forces in the van.
(c) Battlecruisers. If ahead of the battlefleet, to concentrate their gunfire
on the enemy rear battleships and support the light forces in repelling enemy
destroyer attacks. If in the rear to support our light forces attacking the
enemy, and to engage the enemy's van if within range.
這邊的詳細指示恐怕才是美軍所謂的detached wing戰術,
和advanced forces兩者距離量級是不同的。
詳見"Distant Screen"與"Covering Force"。
: 所以除了參與決戰對抗敵人戰艦外的 大致都屬於前衛戰的範圍
: 對抗敵人巡洋力量 支援輕型部隊 攻擊/防禦指定目標
我個人比較能接受把英軍用的advanced forces翻譯成前衛艦隊,
其實我也不反對,但這用法和detached wing就沒啥關聯,
(更不用說空母根本不算在detached wing裡面)
: Fast and slow battleships do not ordinarily operate in the same battle line.
: 快速戰列艦和慢速戰列艦通常不會在同個戰列線一起作戰
這邊其實就暗示了快速戰艦也是battle line的一部分了
: 前衛艦隊的組成
: The Detached Wing (if employed) composed of fast battleships, large or heavy
: cruisers with their aircraft and screen.
: 接近階段的前衛艦隊職責
: The Detached Wing During the Approach
: 1231. When the enemy is employing a detached wing of battleships or battle
: cruisers, our detached wing of battleships, if one is employed, takes a
: position on one or the other of our battle flanks, or in the center where it
: can best oppose the enemy's detached wing. If a large train is present with
: our force, our detached wing takes a position where it can interpose between
: the enemy detached wing and the train. The detached wing avoids coming under
: the concentrated gunfire of the enemy battle line before our battle line is
: engaged. The detached wing supports the light forces to the extent permitted
: by the circumstances.
: 1232. A detached wing of large or heavy cruisers, if employed, takes a
: position where it can best oppose the enemy's heavy cruisers. Such a detached
: wing operating in advance of the battle line on the fleet axis may be
: utilized to force an early deployment on the part of the enemy by driving the
: enemy light forces toward one flank or the other. Such forced deployment of
: the enemy leaves the officer in tactical command the option of deploying in
: either direction as might be advantageous.
: 可以看到前衛艦隊是有支援已方輕型艦隊與驅趕敵方輕型艦隊以破壞敵人的早期部署
: 可見前衛艦隊會參與輕型艦隊的對抗
: 所以前衛艦隊的對戰通常會跟輕型艦隊的對抗是同時進行
: 當然這也是因為前衛艦隊"夠快"能支援輕型艦隊
戰艦是部屬在側翼或相對敵人detached wing的方向,
作者: wl00669773 (Jerry shou)   2018-01-04 13:01:00
但是悲慘的是美國在快速戰列出來前沒有戰巡一戰至間戰時期的美國只有巡洋能組成Detached wing關於中文前衛戰的定義我有在第一篇文說我有理解錯誤側面學來的前衛戰 會有彷彿前衛艦隊要偵查實際上看教條 狀況更接近 因為前衛艦隊打輸會導致LightForce的失敗 所以會有前衛戰輸=前排全輸的狀況這樣在側面從案例理解時就好像前衛要負擔這工作依樣話又說回來 1944年美國有個神奇東西叫阿拉斯加雖然現實證明這玩意還不如高戰好用
作者: PAULDAVID (oops)   2018-01-05 12:12:00
阿拉斯加感覺上是對戰巡研究不深產生的產物 設定成加大巡洋艦當然沒搞頭 比ca大點的炮厚點的甲什麼都來點結果就是中庸 要在既有的各式船種之間搶飯吃當然搶輸人這種東西要搞就要搞激進設定才有出路 像英國當時船種船量皆備 搞巨炮裸奔船 德國要抗衡強敵搞堅甲中炮船等等
作者: wl00669773 (Jerry shou)   2018-01-05 12:31:00
作者: kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)   2018-01-05 12:32:00
作者: wl00669773 (Jerry shou)   2018-01-05 12:39:00

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