並且標題不真 據我讀過Dalai Lama也數次在公開訪問說同性婚姻是"misconduct"
並且我不打算在PTT"戰" 我的時間緊迫要趕著讀數學和哲學
論述"same-sex marriage is sinful/unjustifiable/unethical/immoral"
"the state of the world is not the best of all possible states of the world
since there is orientation of same-sex marriage"
"the world could be brought about into a better state in which there is no
orientation of same-sex marriage"
基督徒Leibniz的原句: "this world is the best of all possible worlds"
用我的話說的版本: "this state of the world is the best of all possible
states of the world"
1. God is omnipotent and omniscient and omnibenevolent and the free creator of
the world (Definition)
2. The world could have possibly been brought about into other states (i.e.
there are other possible states of the world) (Premise)
3. Suppose this state of the world is not the best of all possible states of
the world (i.e."The world could be brought about into a better state")
4. If this world is not in the best of all possible states of the world, then
at least one of the following must be the case:
* God was not powerful enough to bring about a better state of the world;
* God did not know how the state of this world will develop after his
creation (i.e. God lacked foreknowledge);
* God did not wish this world to be in the best state;
* God did not create the world;
* there were no other possible states of the world from which God could
choose to bring about
5. But any one or more of the disjuncts of (4) contradicts (1) or (2)
6. Therefore this state of the world is the best of all possible state of the
1. God knows infinitely many possible states of the universe
2. Only one of these states of the universe can actually exist
3. God has reason to choose one among all possible states of the universe
4. God is good
5. Therefore the state of the universe that God chose to exist is the best of
all possible states of the universe
neohippie (米國聖光肥魯八嘎囧)
2016-10-31 08:39:00結論最後一句看不懂best of all possible state = as God sees fitit does not exclude the existence of evil or sinor sufferingit does not exclude the possibility ofhomosexualityand it does not exclude the command of evangelismto evangelize is NOT to say that this world is notthe best. And it is NOT to say that we are tryingto "better" the best state (which makes no sense)What we do, is simply part of that chosen state簡單來說,我不同意你上面給的基督徒兩項假設兩項假設應該都不是基督徒的主張(沒有要戰的意思,純粹討論。歡迎回應)
作者: kalestorm (沒心情) 2016-10-31 12:00:00
達賴說的是口交, 肛交, 「手淫」, 同性性交, 他依據的是藏傳僧侶的著作. 順便說依照那些論著 嫖妓有付錢不犯戒. 達賴本人則支持同性婚姻, 認為那是人權對了, 我記得依同本論著, 月經或懷孕期間性交也是犯戒抱歉,記錯,達賴是說同性婚姻是個人事務, 由政府決定要不要通過
GSXSP (Gloria)
2016-10-31 16:12:00你的這個argument不限於同性婚姻, 所以若你的結論是leave as is, 那所有罪我們都不必關心了. 神在有自由意志的前提下造出最好的世界, 世界因自由意志而不斷改變(在任何時間點都是那時間可能的最好的狀況), 並且神介入護理世界運行,按著神的救贖計畫, 使得按自由意志選擇神的道路的人, 得以與祂同享永恆的榮耀.
neohippie (米國聖光肥魯八嘎囧)
2016-10-31 21:37:00所以你的結論是基督徒應該接受同性婚姻,因為同性婚姻是最好世界的一部分。是這樣嗎?
Jeby171 (你好嗎)
2016-11-02 04:53:00聖經是這世界最差的一部分 完全是虛構出來的殺人魔小說