abacada (放眼2006)
2014-07-18 00:27:042012年高考法制─法學知識與英文
2012. 7.15 15:40-16:40
2.依據憲法第 111條規定,中央與地方權限分配遇有爭議時,由下列何機關解決?
(A)總統府 (B)行政院 (C)立法院 (D)監察院
3.依司法院釋字第 499號解釋,下列何者不屬於憲法中「具有本質之重要性而為規範
(A)人民基本權利之保障 (B)行政國原則
(C)國民主權原則 (D)權力分立與制衡原則
(A)單一選舉一票制 (B)單一選舉兩票制 (C)複數選區一票制 (D)複數選區兩票制
(A)撤銷當選公告之訴 (B)撤銷選舉公告之訴
(C)當選無效之訴 (D)選舉無效之訴
(A)採合議制方式審理 (B)判決確定,得提起再審
(C)應先於其他訴訟審判之 (D)審判審級,採二審終結
(A)法律、命令、條例 (B)通則、地方命令、自治條例
(C)規程、規則、辦法 (D)地方通則、地區命令、自治通則
(A)建築技術規則 (B)監督寺廟條例
(C)商標識別性審查基準 (D)立法院秘密會議注意事項
(A)憲法 (B)條約 (C)自治法規 (D)判例
(A)類推 (B)擬制 (C)目的限縮 (D)法律續造
(A)保護措施 (B)即時強制 (C)監護宣告 (D)輔助宣告
(A)依其他子女所從姓氏 (B)原則從父姓
(C)於戶政事務所抽籤決定 (D)由申請者自行決定
(A)平等原則 (B)比例原則 (C)法律保留原則 (D)法律優位原則
(A)適用新法駁回甲之申請 (B)適用舊法許可甲之申請
(A)法治國原則 (B)權力分立原則 (C)法律優位原則 (D)國會主權原則
(A)行政院 (B)內政部 (C)經濟部 (D)法務部
原則,經司法院大法關解釋應自 100年10月31日失其效力?
(A)比例原則 (B)信賴保護原則 (C)平等原則 (D)誠信原則
(A)交通事件法院 (B)智慧財產法院 (C)行政法院 (D)行政執行法院
(A)爭議審議、訴願及行政訴訟 (B)爭議審議及行政訴訟
(C)訴願及行政訴訟 (D)民事訴訟
31.Mary's absence made her mother feel lonely and _______.
(A)conceited (B)devoted (C)neglected (D)resolved
32.Jesus Christ in the West and Confucius in the Eash both had a lot of
_______ who were influenced by their teachings and tried to follow their
good examples.
(A)descendants (B)offsprings (C)siblings (D)disciples
33.Nearly 1,000 tornadoes ripped across the U.S. heartland in 2011, killing
more than 500 people and _______ $9 billion in damage.
(A)evolving (B)inflicting (C)conjuring (D)meditating
34.The dynamic workforce of design professionals has enabled the industry to
perform well and gain customer _______.
(A)patronage (B)consumption (C)supplement (D)warranty
35.Student numbers are growing as the economy places knowledge at a _______,
and traditional blue-collar jobs migrate in search of lower wages and
production costs.
(A)pendulum (B)premium (C)uranium (D)vacuum
36.The "Hero Worship" phenomenon among young people has long been studied by
sociologists, and there is a _______ of information about this on the
Internet and in books.
(A)sustenance (B)gluttony (C)dichotomy (D)plethora
37.The world's cities are _______ at the seams: by 2050, an estimated 6.4
billion people─compared to about 3.5 billion today─will be living in
(A)crawling (B)bursting (C)flocking (D)melting
38.The task of the scientist is to see what the case is rather than to make
up a case.
(A)The task of the scientist is to see and to invent.
(B)The responsibility of the scientist is to look for a case.
(C)The task of the scientist is to investigate instead of inventing a case.
(D)The task of the scientist is seeing and believing.
39.To compensate for all the greenhouse gases his plane trips spewed into the
atmosphere, Mr. Grover began paying Climate Care to help make the world a
little greener.
(A)Mr. Grover was aware of the environmental burden his air travels have
created, so he started to contribute fees to Climate Care to help
reduce green house gases.
(B)Mr. Grover was charged by Climate Care, which found him guilty for his
role in producing the greenhouse effect when he traveled by plane.
(C)Mr. Grover's plane trips inevitably spewed a lot of carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere. He felt so guilty that he decided to travel only with
Climate Care.
(D)The goal of Climate Care was to accelerate the global warming process,
a cause supported by many environmentally insensitive persons like Mr.
40.Whether or not the artistic quality of the bullfight outweighs the moral
question of the animals' suffering is something that each person must
decide for themselves.
(A)Everyone has his/her interpretation on whether the beauty of the
bullfight is more important than the suffering of the bull.
(B)People in our society are forced to decide whether the artistic quality
of the bullfight is more valuable than the suffering of the animal.
(C)Whether the bullfight is an art or amoral issue is a question to which
each person has an answer.
(D)In our society, some consider the bullfight an artistic performance
rather than an act of murder and of inflicting pain.
41.The American Dream is so associated with immigrants' hopes that incomers'
experiences are a good place to start sampling a widespread literary
dissatisfaction with America.
(A)The American Dream is all about immigrants' hopes for a better life,
but many Americans start writing about the dark side of America in
order to stop the influx of immigrants.
(B)The American Dream is built upon immigrants' dreams for a better future
and also their fear of not being able to fulfill their dreams.
(C)The American Dream is built upon immigrants' withful thinking for a
better life, and yet many accounts of the immigrants speak of their
disillusion with such a dream place.
(D)The American Dream is all about immigrants' dreams for a better life,
but many new immigrants start experiencing the bitterness of such sweet
The seventeenth century was a period of great advances in science. For
example, early in this century, Galileo perfected the telescope and in 1609
published "The Sidereal Messenger," in which he reported the results of his
__42___ of the Milky Way, the moon, and the planet Jupiter. Only a few years
later, the Dutch scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek performed __43___ research
with the microscope, discovering among other things that weevils, fleas, and
other __44___ creatures come from eggs rather than being spontaneously
generated. Not long after this, William Harvey, and English physician,
discovered the method __45___ which blood circulates in humans and other
animals and in 1628 published his findings in the historic treatise "On the
Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals." __46___, in the 1660s, Issac
Newton discovered the law of gravitation and the laws governing the physics
of light, and he also invented differential calculus.
42.(A)observations (B)descriptions (C)abstractions (D)generalizations
43.(A)traditional (B)pioneering (C)inconsistent (D)falsifiable
44.(A)spineless (B)earthly (C)minute (D)mysterious
45.(A)on (B)to (C)at (D)by
46.(A)Finally (B)Obviously (C)Evidentially (D)Previously
The United States is awash in debt. Median hosehold debt has risen to
more than $100,000 from less than $60,000 in 1990, even as median incomes
have increased only slightly. Much of the debt is held by workers who are
building up loans on credit cards, or obtaining dubious mortgages in a bid to
secure some fraction of the lifestyle of an upper class that keeps getting
richer. This increase in debt has occurred as the gap between the rich and
the poor has continued to widen and the visibility of coveted luxury gooes on
television and the Internet has continued to grow.
Some laud the democratization of credit, seeing its availability to
wider swaths of the American population as broadening opportunity; some
criticize it as the ruthless seduction by financial institutions of working
people who will one day face bankruptcy because they will be unable to pay
credit card bills and mortgages.
But this ismuch clearL the spread of debt is one of the most
significant social phenomena in the United States today, allowing the less
affluent to spend more than they have. As long as interest rates do not rise
steeply,this will continue to happen.
47.What is the main idea of this passage?
(A)The US is deeply in debt and credit cards are to blame.
(B)The gap between the rich and the poor is bridged by the poor borrowing
(C)The spread of debt is a social phenomenon and can't be changed.
(D)Opinions about heavy borrowing vary, but the spread of debt is likely
to continue.
48.What does the sentence "The United States is awash in debt" mean?
(A)The United States' national treasury is stuck with debts.
(B)Many people in the United States are cleansed of debt.
(C)Americans borrow so much money that they are washed away.
(D)Many People borrow so much that the US is like floating in a sea of
49.Why aremany workers building up loans on credit cards?
(A)They want to enjoy the lifestyle of the rich.
(B)They want to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.
(C)They want to take part in the democratization of credit.
(D)They want to test their ability to pay.
50.On the last line of the last paragraph, what does "this" refer to?
(A)The rise of interest rates (B)The availability of credit cards
(C)The spread of debt (D)The United States