iamx ( )
2014-11-16 17:56:37※ 引述《wowhanhow (我很好)》之銘言:
: 原文出處 http://ppt.cc/Pl4x
: 問題一:
: It was as if the only way any of us could be sure that my body was clear of
: infection was for me to officially become a better person.
: 這段話我無法理解的是連續用了三個Be動詞
It was as if [the only way (any of us could be sure that {my body was clear
of infection}) was (for me to officially become a better person)].
這個句子其實原本最簡單的結構只有 It was as if [A]. 這個was是這個句子的動詞。
[A] 這裡面是一整個子句
這句話挑出來看,就只是 The only way was (for me...).
way後面接了一長串()裡面的,又是一個修飾way的子句 any of us就只是一個主詞
We could be sure that {B}. 這又是一個完整的句子
{B} 裡面又是一個完整的子句 My body was clear of infection.
: 原本是想說
: It was as if the only way [....] for me to officially become a better person
: 這樣看來似乎能理解這句再講甚麼
: 但在for me之前又多了個was
: 想請問版上強者能否解惑這段句子的正確意思Orz
: 問題二:
: And as friends came by with meals and groceries and showered me with well
: wishes and all manner of questions about my state of mind, the more it
: occurred to me that their hunger for stories of my cosmic transformation was
: rooted less in their concern for my soul than in their culturally ingrained
: need for capital-C “Closure.”
: 同段句子的 capital-C "closure"
: 完全看不懂這兩個字的意思@@??
: 是指...??? 資本主義的 closure ???
: ...
: 先謝過了...
Capital-C "Closure" 意思是「大寫C的 Closure」
強調大寫C Closure只是強調說他們來要求的是一個很大顆的句點。