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Bernanke: UK's austerity in breach of human rights
The former head of the Fed said that UK's austerity measures are
in breach of human right, leading to possible market pessimism.
After several days of market pessimism, a few reflections on last week's
momentous vote in Great Britain shocked the entire Continental Europe.
Even more obvious now than before, the biggest losers will be British
themselves. Global economists could expect that an economic prosperity
is unlikely to take place in several years, with tremendous uncertainty
and a significant slowdown on UK's growth exacerbated by falling asset
values (houses, commercial real estate stocks).
As the former head of the US Federal Reserve (Fed) during the Great
Recession from 2006 to 2014, Ben Bernanke, the most influential
central banker of our age, is one of the rare people to emerge from the
financial crisis with their reputation enhanced. The chairman helped
prevent a recession from spreading worldwide through policies such as
low interest rates and quantitative easing (QE). But not everyone
appreciated his efforts. Politicians in the west partly blamed him
for his inadequate policies, which brought the whole Eurozone into
a deeper economic turmoil. Instead, Ben Bernanke quickly responded to
the criticisms that the austerity in most industrialized countries such as
the US, UK, Eurozone, limited the effectiveness of monetary stimulus.
The governments in the Eurozone were too obsessed with austerity
(spending cut, tax rise) and consequences will soon emerge shortly after
the UK left the EU.
Economically speaking, the Brexit shock is being spreading mostly
through financial markets, as investors sell off risky assets like stock
and flock to supposed-safe havens like the dollar and the sovereign debt
of the U.S. Among the hardest hit countries is Japan, whose battle against
deflation could deteriorate as the yen depressed since 2013.
1. What is this report mainly about?
2. Who’s Ben Bernanke?
Why does he said the austerity measures weren’t good?
3. What does it mean by the term “austerity”?
4. What does it mean by the term “market pessimism”?
5. Why did the author mention sovereign debt of the US?
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很難用適當中文即時口譯文章 因為有些句子很長 和中英文差異 倒不回來
第一題是脫歐造成的影響嗎? 人權跟內文好像沒啥關係…
第五題是因為覺得買sovereign debt比較安全嗎?
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