Re: [文法] 史蒂芬金的刺激1995裡,有一句的文法不懂

作者: muskoxenyes (瑋伯)   2016-08-14 13:08:20
around striaghtg是什麼意思,around是介係詞,straight是形容詞或副詞,
那這樣,around straight文法會不會怪怪的?around straight到底是啥意思呢?
※ 引述《muskoxenyes (瑋伯)》之銘言:
: 各位板大大家好,第一次在這個版發文,有錯誤請見諒:
: 小魯最近閱讀史蒂芬金的小說《Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption》,
: ,嗯,沒錯,就是那部曾經拍成《刺激1995》的小說。其中有一句話的文法,
: 困擾著小魯:
: 那句話整句是:
: Good work for a man as young as he was, especially when you consider how
: conservative most banks are ... and you have to multiply that conservatism by
: ten when you get up into New England, where folks don't like to trust a man
: with their money unless he's bald, limping, and constantly plucking at his
: pants to get his truss around straight Andy was in for murdering his wife and
: her lover.
: 小魯想問的是這句的後半段,"..., and constantly plucking at his pants
: to get his truss
: around straight Andy was in for murdering his wife and her lover."
: 其中,是"Andy was in for murdering his wife and her lover."一個子句呢?
: 還是"straight Andy was in for murdering his wife and her lover."是一個子句呢?
: 如果"straight Andy was in for murdering his wife and her lover."
: 是一個子句,很像又說不通,因為介係詞around就少了名詞。
: 如果"Andy was in for murdering his wife and her lover."
: 是一個子句,很像也說不通,因為
: "Andy was in for murdering his wife and her lover."如果修飾truss也怪怪的,
: around straight這個介系詞片語也很怪...
: 文有點長,期望板上高手能幫忙解答,
: 到底", and constantly plucking at his pants to get his truss around straight Andy
: was in for murdering his wife and her lover."這句話怎麼解釋文法?
: 謝謝
作者: ewayne (ec)   2016-08-14 13:43:00
作者: kaifrankwind (大師兄)   2016-08-14 13:48:00
找一下hernia truss的圖片。around是指pants那附近(注意truss戴的部位),這裡算後置形容詞吧;straight就是"正",副詞。結構是這樣:get ( his truss around) around更正:括號後是straight,也是形容詞
作者: Issagn (NTI)   2016-08-14 15:41:00 get his truss around (his waist) straight
作者: kee32 (終於畢業了)   2016-08-14 18:39:00

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