[求譯] 這句話怎樣翻比較漂亮?

作者: everydate (月)   2016-12-09 12:33:06
The world is beautiful, however,we can make it more beautiful
作者: lion1227 (阿達)   2016-12-09 13:45:00
作者: dashihito (James)   2016-12-09 16:39:00
作者: b9910 (b9910)   2016-12-09 16:58:00
We can make this beautiful world even more beautiful.(by killing all human beings.) -kidding
作者: bloedchen (Alles nur fuer dich)   2016-12-09 19:40:00
Take it to the next level ?The world is beautiful, but it's us to take it to the next level.
作者: run5566 (run思耶義會消失嗎?[mS)   2016-12-09 22:06:00
The world is beautiful, but together we can make it even better.
作者: Soulchild   2016-12-09 22:09:00
Enchance the inherent beauty of the world.
作者: ibook0102 (0102)   2016-12-10 00:25:00
我給你一張圖表吧,表示多好,也是有分級的" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
作者: everydate (月)   2016-12-10 22:53:00
感謝各位 這幾個寫法都很棒^^
作者: dlikeayu (太陽拳vs野球拳)   2016-12-19 13:57:00
給某樓:三音節不加er拉 用 more
作者: kaifrankwind (大師兄)   2016-12-19 22:17:00
他懂 他說故意用...

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