各位好 最近開始看紐約時報 這篇講有色人種芭蕾舞鞋的文章有幾處文法不太明白 向各位請教 https://goo.gl/MF7AnE It is also a reminder that black dancers — especially female ones — are a rarity in ballet. They remain barely represented at the top of the field, despite some signs of change and an increased awareness of the need for diversity at the schools feeding professional companies. 1. They remain barely represented at the top of the field. 這裡面remain是動詞 barely是副詞 但這個represented的用法是不是怪怪的? 是過去分詞來形容they嗎? 可不可以寫They still barely represent at the top of the field? 這兩種寫法有沒有什麼不同? 2. despite some signs of change and an increased awareness 這是despite後面接兩個名詞 signs跟awareness嗎? She said she had seen a soloist at the English National Ballet wear brown tights and shoes, when everyone else was in pink — “but she was a soloist.” 3.這裡面wear應該時態錯了吧? 應該是過去分詞worn對嗎? 謝謝各位~