※ 引述《stmilk (我男的)》之銘言:
: 剛開始前面100k沒事
這是多少強度的 100k?(多少 %FTP or %HR)
平均踏頻多少 rpm?
: 可是後面只要有休息開始騎時腳會超級酸
: 雖然想過應該是冷掉重新啟動身體的問題
: 但就算輕踩每次都酸半小時左右效率很差
: 自己平常有練最大心率84%~88%踩飛輪二十到三十分鐘練排乳酸的能力
: 但效果不好=_=
乳酸耐受訓練(Lactate Tolerance Reps)是類似高強度間歇:
“This workout is to be done on a flat or slightly uphill course
or into the wind. After a long warm-up and several jumps, do four
to eight repetitions of 90 seconds to 2 minutes each. Intensity is
zone 5c. Cadence is high. The total of all work intervals must not
exceed 12 minutes. Recovery intervals are 2.5 times as long as the
preceding work interval. For example, after a 2-minute rep, recover
for 5 minutes. Build to this workout conservatively, starting with
6 minutes total and adding no more than 2 minutes weekly.
Do this workout no more than once a week and recover for at least
48 hours afterward. If you are unable to achieve zone 5c after three
attempts, stop the workout. Do not do this workout if you are in the
first two years of training for cycling.”
Excerpt From: Joe Friel. “The Cyclist's Training Bible.” iBooks.