Adam Eaton榮獲PCL MVP

作者: abc12812   2012-09-10 23:33:28
Adam Eaton is not ashamed of his diminutive status, or that he was not a high
draft pick. Instead he wears them as badges of honor.
Adam Eaton並不以他矮小的身高或是後段的選秀為恥
相反的 他把這些當作是榮耀的象徵
But standing just 5-feet-8 and a 19th-round draft pick out to Miami
University in Ohio, Eaton knew he had to work a little harder and never let
up to get noticed. Now, that effort has etched his name alongside baseball
royalty like Paul Konerko, Tino Martinez and Joe DiMaggio.
但以一個5呎8 19輪小學校的球員來說 Eaton知道他要更加努力以贏得注意
現在 他讓他的名字得以和Paul Konerko/Tino Martinez/Joe DiMaggio等人並列
The Aces outfielder joined those greats and many others Thursday in becoming
the 76th Pacific Coast League MVP.
“It’s amazing. Those are some of the guys who are up on the Mount Rushmore
of baseball names,” Eaton said Thursday from Fresno, where the Aces were
trying to secure a second straight division title and postseason berth. “
This is a great accomplishment. MVP is the highest honor you can get as an
individual in a season.”
"能和天王級的人物並稱 這真是不可思議 這是很不錯的成就 MVP是你在一個聯盟所能
That Eaton, on Tuesdya named the PCL’s rookie of the year, was given the top
award was not a surprise. He compiled an unmatched résumé.
Eaton, 同時也是PCL的新人王 寫下了難以企及的履歷
Eaton entered Thursday as the PCL’s leader in batting average, hits, stolen
bases, doubles, on-base percentage, runs scored and extra-base hits. He also
led all the minor leagues in many of those categories.
他是PCL的打擊王 安打王 盜壘王 二安王 上壘王 得分王 長打王
就算把全小聯盟算進來 他也在多個項目領先
“I just set out to accomplish my goals this year,” Eaton said. “And if I
meet my goals, other accomplishments like this follow.”
"我只是設定好今年要達成的目標 而如果我達到了 其他榮耀便會接踵而至"
Eaton, who missed the last seven games with a concussion, has been the
catalyst for the first-place Aces since he arrived from Double-A two weeks
into the season.
Eaton beat out teammate Ryan Wheeler, pitcher John Ely and outfielder Jerry
Sands of Albuquerque, first baseman Anthony Rizzo of Iowa and Omaha
outfielder Wil Myers for the award, which was voted on by the league’s
manager and media.
他在MVP票選中擊敗Ryan Wheeler/John Ely/Jerry Sands/Anthony Rizzo/Wil Myers
“He is arguably the best player in the league,” Aces manager Brett Butler
said last week. “He’s done a lot more than people would have imagined. I
know it’s the PCL, but to hit .380? That says something.”
Aces總教練Brett Butler "他可說是聯盟的最佳球員 他完成比人們所能想像還更多的事
我知道這是在PCL 但要打出.380? 這就代表了什麼"
Eaton, 23, is fueled by exceeding what others think he can do. But he doesn’
t believe the award with change others’ expectations.
23歲的Eaton 被想超越人們的期待所激勵
“There will still be a lot of doubters,” he said. “They’ll still look at
me as a 5-8, 19th-round draft pick from a mid-major school. If you prove
someone wrong, they’re not going to admit they were wrong.”
"還是會有很多懷疑者 他們還是會著重在5-8 19輪小學校選秀上 就算證明某某是錯的
And that’s OK with Eaton. He might not play as hard as he does without the
doubters to push him.
不過沒關係 若是沒有這些懷疑 或許他就不會像現在一樣拼命打球了吧
Eaton is the second Diamondbacks prospect to earn the PCL’s MVP award. Andy
Green won it in 2005 while with the Tucson Sidewinders. Green is now manager
of Diamondbacks’ Rookie ball team in Missoula, Mont.
Eaton是響尾蛇第二位PCL MVP
2005年Andy Green也曾拿過 Green現在是響尾蛇新人聯盟的總教練
“I’ve worked with Andy the last two spring trainings. He was a smaller
player, too, and he’s helped me a lot,” Eaton said. “So to win this award
like he did means a lot.”
"我在過去兩個春訓和Andy一起訓練過 他也是個矮小球員 而他給我很多幫助
Eaton is the second player to be named the PCL’s top rookie and MVP in the
same season. Salt Lake’s Robb Quinlan did so in 2002.
Robb Quinlan在2002年也曾達成過
Eaton also could be in the running for minor league player of the year,
though he likely is up against big names, like stolen base record-breaker
Billy Hamilton and teenage pitching prospect Dylan Bundy, for such
recognition. Mike Trout was Baseball America’s Minor League Player of the
Year in 2011, and Paul Goldschmidt, a brief teammate of Eaton’s last year at
Double-A Mobile, was USA Today’s Minor League Player of the Year.
Eaton還可能贏得最佳小聯盟球員 不過挑戰者眾多 像是腿神Billy Hamilton
新秀Dylan Bundy
去年Mike Trout拿到BA年度小聯盟球員
而Paul Goldschmidt拿到USA Today年度小聯盟球員
Eaton, likely to receive his first major league call-up when the Aces’
season in over, is eligible to come off the disable list tonight and said he
will when the Aces begin a four-game, season-ending series against visiting
可能在不久後被叫上大聯盟的Eaton 已經準備好要從腦震盪中復出了
“I’m pumped. If you take me away from the field I get antsy and kind of
weird,” he said. “I’m excited to get back and help build some momentum
before the playoffs.”
"我等不及要上了 沒上場讓我感到坐立不安 我迫不及待要回到場上
作者: Herlin (性感豬豬)   2012-09-10 23:34:00
我有問題 Miami University in Ohio......那這間學校到底在Miami 還是在Ohio...
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2012-09-10 23:37:00
作者: Connec (康奈克)   2012-09-10 23:38:00
作者: ca1123 (It ain't over)   2012-09-10 23:39:00
作者: HORNER (心平氣和的人都可以贏)   2012-09-10 23:40:00
作者: Benvera (班維拉)   2012-09-10 23:48:00
作者: Herlin (性感豬豬)   2012-09-10 23:48:00
想想這也沒很奇怪啦 誰曉得台灣以後會不會有台北大學高雄
作者: Herlin (性感豬豬)   2012-09-10 23:49:00
分校 還是高雄大學台北校區這種出現 (好像離題了)
作者: seto (華映新任工程師)   2012-09-10 23:50:00
這家在Ohio Miami那家名字叫做University of Miami
作者: seto (華映新任工程師)   2012-09-10 23:51:00
U Miami屬於ACC聯盟 是著名的大學六大聯盟之一
作者: seto (華映新任工程師)   2012-09-10 23:52:00
Miami U (Ohio)屬於Mid-American聯盟
作者: PlayStation3 (超級喜歡于小文)   2012-09-11 00:18:00
作者: lgagirm ( )   2012-09-11 00:24:00
作者: agantw (←高級鍵盤七逃郎)   2012-09-11 00:52:00
作者: PlayStation3 (超級喜歡于小文)   2012-09-11 00:56:00
南嘉大 咦?
作者: IronChef (Schadenfreude)   2012-09-11 00:58:00
我一只以為喬志技術學院是George Tech...
作者: Caryniko (遇見)   2012-09-11 02:27:00
作者: gn00080644 (為了大小盲啪抗咪 )   2012-09-11 14:26:00

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