yuriaki (百合秋)
2014-05-03 00:22:36→ yqhyou:你去問問西方主流歷史學者,看他們怎么說羅馬正統問題 05/02 10:13
推 yqhyou:西羅馬一直是羅馬的正統,這是西方史學定論。 05/02 10:15
※ 引述《yqhyou (Ethnic passion)》之銘言:
: Western Roman Empire
: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
: The ongoing struggle between the rising Papacy and the retreating Eastern Em
: pire (which had reconquered Rome in the 6th century) led the Pope to unilate
: rally declare the Frankish King Charlemagne to be the successor of the Weste
: rn Emperors in 800.[citation needed] This new imperial line would evolve in
: time into the Holy Roman Empire, which revived the imperial title but was ot
: herwise in no meaningful sense an extension of Roman traditions or instituti
: ons.
「This new imperial line would evolve in time into the Holy Roman Empire,
which revived the imperial title but was otherwise in no meaningful sense
an extension of Roman traditions or institutions.」