Raist (悶油瓶好帥阿阿阿) 的全部發文

[L_Block] [心得] 別無選擇的賊-Burglars Can't Be Choosers2015-02-13 02:53:19[L_Block] [心得] 烈酒一滴-A Drop of The Hard Stuff2015-02-07 00:39:29[Gossiping] Re: [問卦] 哪牌的啤酒最好喝的八卦2015-02-05 21:26:11[Gossiping] Re: [新聞] 復興墜河/座椅翻轉 乘客繫安全帶溺斃2015-02-05 17:08:37[L_Block] [心得] 繁花將盡-All The Flowers Are Dying2015-01-31 02:21:30[L_Block] [心得] 死亡的渴望-Hope to Die2015-01-30 02:43:47[L_Block] [情報] Amazon 有Scudder免費電子書可下載2014-06-29 03:10:35[Translation] [英中] 為什麼老是有這種很難翻的...2014-02-06 16:26:55[Editor] [其他] Notepad++ 存檔 副檔名不見2013-11-05 15:56:35[L_Block] [心得] 每個人都死了-Everybody Dies2013-08-07 07:33:45[L_Block] [心得] 向邪惡追索-Even the wicked2013-07-20 02:31:39[L_Block] [心得] 一長串的死者-A Long Line of Dead Men2013-03-23 04:31:33[L_Block] [心得] 惡魔預知死亡-The Devil Knows You're Dead2012-05-11 06:07:55[L_Block] [情報] 殺手系列新作--Hit Me--預購2012-05-10 20:01:48[L_Block] [心得] 行過死蔭之地-A walk among the tombstones2012-05-10 00:04:40[Japan_Travel] [推薦] 關西必推小吃2012-04-04 18:52:32[L_Block] [心得] 屠宰場之舞-A Dance at the Slaughterhouse2011-11-18 23:02:23[L_Block] [心得] 到墳場的車票-A Ticket to the Boneyard2011-11-18 22:01:44[L_Block] [心得] 刀鋒之先-Out on the Cutting Edge2011-11-18 21:14:49[L_Block] [心得] 酒店關門之後-When the Sacred Ginmill Closes2011-11-17 23:44:28


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