死緣無定故應修無常 (English translation: Claire Ang)
人自殺身亡( 《環球時報》有一篇文章報道:全球每年約有100萬人自殺,其中30%來自
As our time of death is uncertain, we should therefore be mindful of
A true religious practitioner always reminds himself that death may come any
time and that “I am not sure when my time is up”, therefore he is very
diligent in his practice at all times. He does not chit chat or do things
that are meaningless. People living in the city, however, lack the awareness
of impermanence. They tend to delay the practice of dharma or good deeds to
next year, or the year after that, or even after their retirement.
Dhammapada Analogy tells such a story about an old man:
Once the Buddha was in Sravasti, there was a Brahman nearing the age of 80.
The Brahman was very rich but was stubborn and stingy. He invested a great
fortune building a luxury mansion for himself and spent most of his time
overseeing the construction, making sure everything was built the way his
heart desired. The Buddha, in his profound wisdom, saw that the Brahman has
come to his time and has only one more day to live. But the Brahman knew
nothing about it and was still busy doing things that are meaningless to
life. Mercy for him, the Buddha came to him.
The Buddha asked him, “Aren’t you tired working so hard? What is the use of
building such a mansion?”
The old Brahman said proudly, “The living hall is at the front of the
mansion, my bedroom is at the back, the east and west blocks are for my
family, children, and servants. There’s a cool veranda for the summer and
the rooms are warm enough for the winter. It’s such a comfortable mansion.”
“You planned well.” The Buddha said, “I have a verse for you, can you sit
down and listen to what I have to say?”
The Brahman said, “I am very busy and I don’t have time to sit down and
listen. We can talk some other days. You may do it quick, say what you have
to say briefly.”
The Buddha said, “You have planned out well for your future, thinking that
you have great wisdom. You work so hard day in and day out but you have no
idea that life is impermanent and that you will pass away soon. You are
After listening to the Buddha, the old Brahman said, “You are so right. But
I am really very busy today. Let’s talk some other days!”
As the Brahman was stubborn and would not listen, the Buddha left. Soon after
the Buddha left, the Brahman climbed up to the roof to inspect the beam. But
alas, the beam fell and the Brahman was killed on the spot.
There are many senior citizens today who are like the old Brahman. They are
aged but they don’t feel old. They are always busy planning for the future
and for their children and grandchildren, as if they can live for hundreds of
years. This is very foolish. We must all wonder how long we can live at all
times. If we do that, we will not be especially attached to our fame, wealth,
and relationship or even be willing to give up our lives for these. If you
are mindful of impermanence, you will have the courage to face illness and
sufferings. You will also not harbor grudges or feel despair when your loved
ones are taken from you unexpectedly.
The practice of Dharma should not be focused on rituals but to be deep-rooted
into our hearts. Today, some religions over-emphasized rituals and overlooked
their teachings. In Buddhism, not only do we have a complete set of theory,
we are taught to put them into practice.
All beings have different conditions leading to their deaths and therefore
the time of death cannot be calculated. Some died before birth; some died
right after birth; some when they start to crawl; some in their prime years;
while some others in old age. All the above are mentioned in the Nidaanavagga
sutra. There is a Chinese verse which speaks of the same thing “death visits
all ages”. In the face of death, everyone is equal, young or old. Young
people may think that, “Well, look at my hair, they are still black and
shiny, how could I meet death? Impossible!” Well, you must have attained the
“longevity attainment” to be so sure!
Some died before they received prompt treatment; some died on their road to
the hospital; some are bedridden and died emaciated or even with their eyes
opened. (The writer of this article: I have seen many patients like this.
They are struggling living and are merely waiting for their time. Some time
ago, a patient called me asking me to bless him so that he can die faster! He
said he is enduring great suffering and has become a burden to his family. It
’s his karma that he will not die now and his time has not come yet. There
is a disease called “Dong Te” where the patient will faint out unexpectedly
any time and die unless they are resuscitated immediately. These people may
die while eating or before they finish their sentence or the job at hand.
There are also people who kill themselves. According to Global Times, 1
million people committed suicide each year in the world. Of these, 30%
happened in China. According to statistics, there is 1 suicidal death in
every 40 seconds; and in China, there are 1 suicidal death and 8 attempted
suicide in every 2 minutes.)
Lay people cannot decide their own death. Their death is decided by their
karma. The saints, however, can decide their death. The Lama living beside
the writer passed away while chanting in sitting position. Disciples said
that they saw rainbow in the sky at the time of the Lama’s passing away.
In short, there are many ways leading to one’s death in the world. Death
might come unexpectedly while we are eating, walking, driving, flying, or
even simply staying at home. Living is like a candle in the wind, weak and
flimsy. Many sutras described living and death as, “We are living in
different conditions leading to death, like a candle in strong winds,” “
Life is like a candle in the wind, about to be blown out at any time,” “
life is the time when you breathe,” “life is like a water bubble”… In
that case, we should not put our emphasis on dressing up, earning lots of
money, and devising plans for the future in our everyday life. Death often
comes by surprise and if it comes now, we can’t be sure that we will not be
reborn as animals or bugs tomorrow.
Do contemplate on the fact that time of death is not known and life is
uncertain and do put Dharma into practice seriously.
Excerpted from 前行廣釋 by Khenpo Sodargye