※ 引述《scju (QQ)》之銘言:
: c:To whom it may concern
: 這句我在您文章底下的推文已經說過了,就是「to+名詞子句」。
: 可以這樣理解:who may it concern?(它可能涉及到誰?)
to+名詞子句whom/who it may concern(vt),whom/who是concern(vt)的受詞,和to沒有
關係。為什麼沒有人寫To who it may concern?因為這是fossilized的習慣用法。
The food also needs to be distributed according to who needs it, not
according to who can pay the most for it.
: 改成肯定句、名詞子句的形式放在to後當受詞:To whom it may concern(致它可能涉及
: 到的那些人,文言一點就變成「敬啟者」)。同樣情況,who在to後面,是明顯的受詞位
: 置,所以用whom。因此這句也不是形容詞子句,更不是什麼沒有先行詞的形容詞子句。
I will give the book to whoever needs it.
*I will give the book to whomever needs it.