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作者: perspicuity (scalper) 看板: Math
標題: 最大公約數
時間: Wed Mar 8 21:30:40 2017
<談文論譯> 「最大公約數」的英文 蘇正隆
派系可接受的最大公約數」,「... 政治最大公約數,…是多數黨和少數黨兩方都不滿意
在數學上,公約數(common divisor)是可共同整除其他整數 (integer) 的約數
(factors),如:1, 2, 3, 6都可同時整除12,18,30,而6為其最大公約數 (greatest
common divisor或Highest Common Factor)。
那麼要英譯「解決問題的最大公約數」,可說 *"Is there the greatest common
divisor?" 或 "greatest common divisor for the problem"嗎?
找不到 "Is there the greatest common divisor" 的結果。(Google, Sept 30, 16)
找不到 "greatest common divisor for the problem" 的結果。
為何不行? 因為英文在這種譬喻 (metaphorical expression) 情境下會說 “a common
“Is there a common denominator … to prevent this from happening?”
“So I ask: is there something we can agree on … a common denominator that
we can get behind that unites us and allows us to finally bring our potential
“These groups differed considerably but they found a common denominator in
the struggle against the Communist government.”
"they found a common denominator" 約有 135,000 項結果
"Is there a common denominator that"約有 19,400 項結果
有人會說common denominator數學上是「公分母」啊! 可是英文在說「最多數人可接受的
英語言與文化差異是翻譯上諸多困難點之一,有待大家共同努力。 (Jerome Su, Sept
30, 2016, Revised, Oct 18, 2016)