Re: [英中] 川京會新聞自翻 求批指教

作者: mintale4867 (MinTale)   2018-07-15 15:21:34
※ 引述《oreobala (巴勒oreo)》之銘言:
: 標題: [英中] 川京會新聞自翻 求批指教
: 時間: Sun Jul 15 12:26:26 2018
: 黃色部分是自己覺得翻的不好的地方
: 最近想提升自己的語言及翻譯能力
: 所以預計每週都會找新聞來練習
: 如果能長期指教 敬請來信 可談合作
: White House: Trump-Putin summit 'is on' after hacking indictment
: 白宮:川京會在駭客起訴後已步入軌道
: A summit between US President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin
: will go ahead as planned despite tension over Moscow's alleged election
: meddling, the White House says.
: 白宮表示,儘管受壓於莫斯科所謂的選舉干涉輿論,美國總統唐納德˙川普與俄羅斯領導
: 人弗拉基米爾˙普京的高峰會將如期舉行。
: The pair will meet for talks in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, on Monday.
: 兩位將於周一在芬蘭的首都進行會談。
: "It's on," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters.
: But there are calls for the meeting to be cancelled after the US charged 12
: Russian intelligence officers with election interference on Friday.
: 白宮代言人沙拉˙桑德斯向記者表示,會議已經逐步進行中。然而,在美國指控12位俄籍
: 情報員涉嫌干預選舉後,周五開始出現一些要求會議取消的聲浪。
: (請問這邊是指周五開始有反對聲音還是指周五美國發布指控?)
「It's on」這邊的翻譯建議與新聞標題呼應,
: For its part, Russia said it was looking forward to the meeting.
: 針對這個部分,俄羅斯聲稱他們僅是希望會議正常舉行。
: (請問這邊用was的涵意應如何正確翻譯?)
: (針對這個部分,俄羅斯表示他們仍希望/期待會議的舉行)
: "We consider Trump a negotiating partner," said Kremlin adviser Yuri Ushakov.
: "The state of bilateral relations is very bad. We have to start to set them
: right."
: 「我們認為川普是一位值得協商的夥伴,」克里姆林宮顧問尤李烏紗科夫表示,「國家在
: 雙邊關係中搖擺是無益的。我們必須開始使之步上正軌。」
: The announcement that the Russians had been charged with hacking Democratic
: officials during the 2016 presidential election sparked a heated war of words
: between Washington and Moscow.
: 俄羅斯曾被指控在2016總統選舉期間駭入民主黨官員的公告一出就激起了莫斯科與華盛頓
: 間激烈的唇槍舌戰。
: (請問hacking Democratic officials怎麼翻譯比較正確?)
: Russia's foreign ministry said the claims were a "heap of conspiracy schemes"
: intended to "damage the atmosphere" before Monday's summit.
: 俄羅斯的外交部宣稱該項指控只是「一堆陰謀論」,為的就是要在周一的會議前「破壞兩
: 國氣氛」。
: (請問這邊可以加用「兩國」嗎?原文並沒有寫)
: It said there was no evidence linking any of the dozen officials to hacking
: or military intelligence.
: 他們表示,完全沒有證據能證明數十位官員和軍事情報的駭入有關。
: (請問這邊用的the dozen officials和the dozens of officials會同義嗎?)
: But US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein insisted that "the goal of the
: conspirators was to have an impact on the election."
: 但美國的司法部副部長羅德˙羅森斯坦則堅稱,「陰謀的目的就是要對選舉產生影響。」
: What are the allegations?
: 指控的內容是什麼?
: The 11-count indictment names the Russians defendants, alleging they began
: cyber-attacks in March 2016 on the email accounts of staff for Hillary
: Clinton's presidential campaign.
: 俄籍被告們的十一項起訴指控他們在2016年3月時開始了駭取協助希拉蕊˙柯林頓競選總
: 統的幕僚們的電郵帳號的網路攻擊行為。
: They are accused of using keystroke reading software to spy on the chair of
: the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and hack into the party's computers.
: 他們也被指控利用了按鍵點擊來監看並駭取民主黨全國委員會主席及黨部的電腦資訊。
keystroke reading = 「鍵盤側錄」
: Mr Rosenstein said the conspirators used fictitious online personas,
: including "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0", to release thousands of stolen emails.
: 羅森斯坦先生則說,密謀策劃者是用線上虛擬角色-包括DCLeaks及Guccifer2.0,來散播
: 數以千計的遭駭郵件。
: (這邊的Mr翻成先生有怪怪的感覺,請問是否有更好的翻法?)
另外fictitious online personas可以簡單譯為「化名」
: They are also accused of stealing the data of half a million voters from a
: state election board website.
: 俄諜也被指控從州立選舉的網站佈告欄上竊取半數百萬選民的資料。
: What has the reaction been?
: 對指控的回應又是什麼?
: During a joint news conference with UK Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday,
: Mr Trump said he would "absolutely" ask the Russian president about alleged
: election meddling.
: 在周五與英國首相特雷莎˙梅的聯合記者招待會上,川普先生表示他「一定」會要求俄國
: 總理對涉嫌干涉大選做出回應。
: But top Democrats have urged him to cancel the planned summit altogether
: following the indictment.
: 但最高民主黨員則希望他能隨著起訴的進行一併取消預定的領袖會議。
: "President Trump should absolutely cancel this meeting with Putin on Monday,"
: said DNC chairman Tom Perez. "He is not a friend of the United States."
: 「川普總統應當取消周一和普京的見面會,」民主黨全國委員會主席湯姆˙佩雷斯表示,
: 「俄羅斯不是美國的朋友。」
: "President Trump should cancel his meeting with Vladimir Putin until Russia
: takes demonstrable and transparent steps to prove that they won't interfere
: in future elections," said Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer.
: 「川普總統應當取消和普京的見面會,直到俄羅斯採取值得信任且透明的行動以證明他們
: 將不會干預未來的各項選舉,」參議院民主黨主席查克˙舒默表示。
: Republican Senator John McCain said the summit "should not move forward"
: unless the president "is prepared to hold Putin accountable".
: 參議院共和黨員約翰˙麥凱恩則說高峰會「不應繼續進行」直到川普總統「已經準備好為
: 普京負責。」
: What's the big picture?
: 綜觀全局(請問有更好的翻譯嗎?)
: Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating US intelligence findings that
: Russians conspired to sway the 2016 election in Mr Trump's favour.
: 特別顧問羅伯特˙穆勒正著手調查美國情報局所提供的搜查資料,資料指出俄羅斯密謀在
: 2016的大選產生對川普先生有利的影響。
: As of Friday, the inquiry has indicted 32 people - mostly Russian nationals
: in absentia - as well as three companies and four former Trump advisers.
: 截至周五,調查資料指證32個人-大多數俄籍民眾缺席-3家公司、以及4位前川普顧問與此
: 案相關。
: None of the charges allege Trump advisers colluded with Russia to interfere
: with the presidential campaign.
: 沒有任何一項指控allege川普的顧問與俄羅斯串通來干預總統競選。
: Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos, a
: former foreign policy adviser, have pleaded guilty to making false statements
: about their contacts with Russians.
: 前國家安全顧問蜜雪兒˙弗林及前外交政策顧問喬治˙帕帕佐普洛斯承認他們在和俄羅斯
: 的接觸上造假是有罪的。
: Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy Rick Gates were
: charged with money laundering relating to their political consultancy work in
: Ukraine.
: 川普前競選主席保羅˙馬納福特及他的副手裏克˙蓋茨被指控在和烏克蘭的政治顧問工作
: 中洗錢。
作者: oreobala (å·´å‹’oreo)   2018-07-15 21:01:00
感謝回文 受益良多!

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