New museum to recognise Warsaw radio station that was second biggest in the
In memory of what was once the second tallest radio transmission station in
the world, scientists are looking to set up a museum to commemorate its
Built after Poland regained independence at the end of the First World War,
by 1923 half of Europe was sending telegrams to the USA via the Transatlantic
Radiotelegraphic Broadcasting Centre in Warsaw.
第一次世界大戰結束後波蘭重新獲得獨立後,到 1923 年,一半的歐洲正在通過華沙的跨
Consisting of 10 massive 126-metre-tall tower, the radio station’s
transmitter was powerful enough to reach both North and South America.
無線電台的發報系統由 10 個 126 公尺高的巨型塔組成,其發射系統的功率足以到達
The Warsaw station was also one of the best equipped in the world with two
machine transmitters of 200 kW each being powered by a 500 kW diesel-powered
generator ensuring 24-hour communication with the US.
華沙電台也是世界上裝備最好的電台之一,有兩台 200 千瓦的機器發報器,每台由一台
500 千瓦的柴油發電機供電,確保與美國的 24 小時通信。
When WWII broke out following Hitler’s invasion of Poland, German troops
captured the station allowing the Nazis to communicate with their U-boat
fleets and with Japan.
當希特勒入侵波蘭後二戰爆發時,德國軍隊佔領了該站,使納粹可以與他們的 U 艇艦隊
At the end of the war, they destroyed it, the detonation of which broke
windows of houses over 16km away.
戰爭結束時,他們摧毀了它,爆炸炸毀了 16 公里外房屋的窗戶。
Now covered with forest, among the trees it is still possible to find parts
of the broadcasting station.
In 2018, a three-meter-high monument commemorating the antenna of the
Transatlantic Radiotelegraph Center was unveiled.
Now, the Faculty of Electronics at the Military University of Technology is
attempting to reconstruct the transmitter as part of a museum dedicated to it.
The MEWA radio station will broadcast short-wave programmes commemorating the
history of the transatlantic radio station.
The museum will preserve the memory of its engineers and builders and the
milestone event in the history of Poland, which was the establishment of
direct radio communication with the United States.